Chapter 9

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"Louis, come on, I'm getting you out of here."

I looked at Madeline and she had a very serious expression plastered on her face. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun, giving her the look of pure exhaustion.

"Get your fucking hands off me," I mumbled as I turned back to the blonde behind me. I heard Madeline grunt, then surprisingly grabbed my shirt and forced me away from the woman.

"We are leaving right now," she said pulling me through the crowd of drunken people. I almost tripped over one girl who was on the floor asleep but regained my balance just at the right time.

"What do you want from me?" I said stumbling over my words. Madeline pushed open the door with her free hand, revealing the night air.

"What are you doing in there Lou?" She asked suddenly.

"Why the fuck are you calling me Lou?" I guess she just now realized that is what she called me. The last time she called me that was when were engaged three years ago. She stood in silence, carefully choosing her words before she said them.

"Forget it. I try and get you out of there, because I know how much one drink can get you. Just whatever, I'm sorry I interrupted your make out session with some whore."

She turned to walk down the street, but I stumbled to catch up with her. I didn't mean to be a jerk, it just surprised me that she would do that for me.

"Wait, Madeline," I half yelled at her back. She stopped dead I her tracks and turned to face me. I stared at her in silence as the glow from the moon highlighted everything about her. In her eyes, I could distantly see welling tears. At first it confused me, but then I understood completely.

Whenever we were engaged, she saw me in all my states. When I was happy, sad, mad, and even drunk. I know this is all really hard for her to see again, especially after such a long time without being ?around it.

"What?" She said sniffling. I could tell she was trying to hide her emotions, but they plainly shown through. I walked towards her, my feet being the only noise heard. The rain had stopped whenever I was inside the bar, but a slight mist was still falling from the sky.

"I'm the one that should be sorry, thank you for getting me out of there Madeline." She apparently was taken aback at my sudden apology, but nodded her head and proceeded towards her truck that I had rode in earlier.

"Can I hitch a ride again?" I asked, half laughing and half being serious. She didn't turn around, but nodded her head as she climbed in the driver's side door. Once we were both in, she began to turn the key. The engine revved, but refused to start completely.

"Dammit," she muttered under her breath. She shut her eyes tight, and threw her head back on the headrest. She ran her hands through her long brown hair in frustration and then tried again. Finally, it came to life and she pulled off the side of the road.

"Why were you even there?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

In my head, I wanted to tell her everything that had happened, but I somehow couldn't force myself to do it. I need to tell someone, just to get this all off my chest.

"I needed to clear my head," I mumbled. She looked at me, then back at the road.

"I know there's more to it then you just needed to clear your head Louis."

I laughed under my breath. Hell yes there was a lot more than I was putting out, but I just can't tell my ex-fiancee everything that happened.

"Why were you there?" I asked, my voice slightly angered.

"I work there as a second job." I suddenly felt bad about sounding angry at her. She had to work two jobs? Were her financial issues that bad?

"Oh," was all I could say. Suddenly, an aching headache hit me hard. The alcohol must have just hit to its full extent. I winced in pain and slouched down in my seat. My head was throbbing, and the bright passing street lamps weren't helping at all.

"Are you okay?" I couldn't respond due to the fact that my head felt as if someone were beating it with a hammer. I grunted and rubbed my temples with my hands.

"I'm taking you to my house, you obviously can't be alone right now." I didn't even bother to respond, just shut my eyes as tight as possible. I could hear cars passing by us on the road, and wanted so badly to scream for them to be quiet.

Every sound was amplified, to the pint where my ears felt as if they were going to bust. How stupid am I? I knew how much this would affect me, yet I didn't bother to even consider that.

Once we pulled up to the front of Madeline's apartment, the tires came to a screeching hault, hurting my ears even more. She basically jumped out of the driver's seat and came around to help me out.

"Louis," was all she could say. She pulled me out of the car, and threw my arm around her shoulder. I felt like shit. I shouldn't have drank as much as I did, correction, I shouldn't have drank at all.

We basically had to hobble to the apartment door. This is one time that I'm actually happy she lives on the lower level. This apartment is the same one that we lived in when we were engaged. We were actually closing for a house, but you can understand why we stopped that process...

By the time we reached the front door, I fell onto the couch and curled up into a ball. I just wanted to disappear, the after effects were that bad. Madeline went into the kitchen, but then returned with a glass of water and some asprin. 

She sat on the edge of the couch, towards my head, and gently handed me the pills and water.I could tell she was feeling awkward by the way she nervously sat there.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked softly, keeping mind to my splitting head ache.I slowly peeled open one of my eyes and saw her gazing down at me. God, she was beautiful.

Wait. What am I saying? Louis, she cheated on you with another man when you were engaged!

"No, thank you though." She got up and walked across the room to get me a blanket. She opened the closet door, and pulled out a fleece green blanket. She gently placed it over my body, making sure to cover me completely.

"No thanks," I said removing the blanket and trying to get up, "I just needed to clear my head for a bit. Thank you though, I'll just leave now."

Just as I stood up completely, she pushed me back down on the couch. 

"No, you are not driving in this state. You are staying here until the morning." I couldn't really argue with her. The only reason I was going to leave was to save us both from the awkwardness. 

"Lay down Louis, get some rest, good night." With that, she left the room, leaving me alone. I layed back down, tossing the blanket back over my body.

Soon, I felt my eyes drooping shut. I gave in, as the pure exhaustion took my body over completely. Just as I was falling asleep, one thought entered my head.

What the hell have I gotten myself in to?


Hey everyone! I was going to update last night, but we had a bad storm, so the wifi cut out! Sorry! 

Also, I won't update until we reach about 600 reads! I love you all, and please recomend this book to others if you like it! Love you all so very much! Don't forget to comment!

Feeling The Whole Band Today,


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