jason-missed you

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"hey, Jason, um i need to tell you something can you come over for a sec" i asked. "s-sure" he responded sounding scared. "don't worry i don't plan on braking up any time soon" i replied knowing that was what he wanted to hear. "OK i'll be there in five" i hung up and frowned. Jason's not going to like this. 

        soon enough Jason was here. "so what did you want to tell me" i took a deep breath and stated talking. "my parents want me to go with my grandparents" his expression didn't change. "and finish my school year there" OK there it was. his beautiful smile faded and was replaced by teary eyes. "w-what?" 


"is that the last bag" Jason asked setting the last bag on the truck. "yes. thanks" i whispered. "i don't want to leave" i replied. he half smiled and have me a hug. "and i don't want you to go" 

        "hey its time to go, you might miss the plane" my brother yelled. Jason hugged me tighter. "don't go" he whispered in my ear. "please don't go" i sighed. "there's nothing i can do Jason, i'm sorry" i responded, my heart and eyes couldn't handle it. tears streamed down my face and nothing was going to stop them from falling. i pulled away and gave him one last kiss. 


it seems like distance was our enemy. it destroyed our love and it destroyed my heart. nothing was ever the same. i wanted to call him but i never did. i thought he had found someone else. i thought he decided that maybe the best was to let go. i never did though, i never let go. i still have the memories. i remember the laughs, the kisses, the hugs, and the tears. everything made our love stronger though it came to an end. my parents didn't send me for half a year, they sent me for a year and a half. 

        finally the time that i'v been waiting for came, the time to go home.



a year and a half. that might just have been the longest and saddest days of my life. nothing was ever the same. my grades dropped, so did my smiles. but i had hope. i hoped that one day she came back. now i'm thinking about giving up. but she never gave up on me so why should i give up on her. i got a call from an unknown number one day. i answered it. her angelic voice filled my ears. a smile slowly grew and all that pain in my heart seemed to ease.


"hey Jason, what if we take a video?" Madison asked playing with his phone. "what?" i asked in reply. "yea i mean the fans might want to see this 'historical moment'" he explained. i rolled my eyes. 'moron' i mumbled. "hey!" i heard someone reply. 

"sup. hey mikey say hi to the camera." "hi" 

"hey Jason turn around and say hi to the camera" Madison said almost shoving his phone in my face. "get the phone out of my face Madison!" 



the three boys were goofing around recording themselves. not realizing that one of there friends was dying of nervousness. he thought that maybe his love might see him and stop loving him. 'what if she saw someone better than me and she came back just to see plain old me' the nervous boy thought. he sat on the couch, his head in his hands, thinking of every single thing that might happen."she's here!" Louis yelled looking out the window. Madison still deciding whether to record everything. "ah i should" he decided. i can't Jason thought. he wanted to run away. though he missed his long lost love he was scared. scared over not being good enough for her anymore. he got up and ran towards the door. he ripped the door open and ran outside. outside, his missed loved was waiting also deciding whether to knock or forget about him. "Y/N!" Jason yelled. the girl, that once was looking down, looked up. there stood the boy she missed. she ran towards him like her life was almost over. she engulfed the, once nervous, boy into a hug. the second they united the girl cried. "i missed you" she admitted. "i missed you too" he replied. 

"we want a hug too" the other three boys said standing in the porch. 



"the video has 209,525 re tweets and 157,000 Favorited it. its now on YouTube with 1,999,000 views. and its on face book with 959,000 likes, 471,000 comments, and 321,500 shares. and don't get me started with instagram. i told you the fans would want to see this" Madison said spinning around in the chair. "i'm awesome" he gloated. "that doesn't make you awesome" mikey replied clearly annoyed by Madison's success in the video. "ah yea, it does. i uploaded that video one week ago" Madison yet again gloated. mikey rolled his eyes and pushed Madison off the chair. "hey!"

i chuckled. yup one week ago! "she's here" Louis yelled looking out the window. "ooh deja vu. i'll just record this" mikey said laughing. 

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