How you met

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A/n Hey guys! So, I know this chapter came out later than, well, all of us expected, really, and I HATE myself beause of it!!!!!!!
Oh, and I won't be doing the girls or Cedric anymore so (I know I keep apologizing, but,) sorry to all those people who love them :(

anyways, enjoy:)

Harry: It was in your first year while you were on the Hogwarts Express. You were a Halfblood but you didn't have a any friends except for Cedric, of course. Unfortunetly, he had to go with the perfects so you were left all alone. You were walking around in the hallway trying to find a fairly empty carrige that dosen't have any excited 11-year-olds jumping up and down on their seats (no offence IDK why but meh~). A minute later you had no hope, until you stumble across one that only had a boy that looked about your age. Deciding it was probably going to get as good as you think it would, you slid the door open and shyly said, "Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full."
"Of course!" The boy replied, patting the seat opposite him.
"I'm (Y/N)"
"I'm Harry Potter" He smiled.
You widened your eyes but quickly calmed down. Something tells you that this would be the start of a lifelong friendship (or maybe even more *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*).

Ron: It was on your first day EVER while you were waiting to get sorted. The longer it took the more fidgety and hungry you got - you just wanted to sit down and bite into a scrumptious chicken leg already! "Hey, could you please stop moving, you're making me more nervous than I already am" someone asked next to you. You turned to see a flaming red-haired boy with freckles all around his face. "Oh, sorry I'm just a little anxious about which house I'm going to get sorted in and I hope it's not Slytherin - anything but Slytherin" you whispered back, wearing an apologetic look. The boy just nodded and faced the front again. A few more names were called out and it was FINALLY your turn. After a few moments of silent thinking, the Sorting hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR!". You made your way over to the long, cheering table and soon enough the same boy from earlier joined shortly after. "I'm (Y/N)" you greeted him, holding your hand out for him to shake and he did. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ron, Ron Weasley".

Draco: You two didn't have the best first meeting, it was when all the chamber of secrets stuff was happening (second year) and you just found out that your best friend Hermione (SURPRISE) had been petrified. you were walking back to your common room, wanting to be alone when you ran into Malfoy and his goons. They all started teasing you because you were crying and was considered too much of a teacher's pet to be a Slytherin. That's when you've had it. You turned around and jinxed all of them at once, much to their surprise. You ran as fast as you can, not wanting to get caught, what you didn't know was that Malfoy was watching your every move with great interest.

Neville: You were walking to potions when you heard the annoying voice of Draco Malfoy teasing yet another helpless victim. You swiftly turned around to see one of Malfoy's cronies push the books out of the victim's arms making a mess on the floor. "Oi! Malfoy! What was that for!" You called, rushing over to help the poor boy. Malfoy and his goons walked away, laughing. "Let me help you" you said, picking up his books and giving them to him. "Um, Thank you for standing up for me." He thanked you, blushing a light pink and staring at his shoes.
"Oh, it was nothing! I'm (Y/N) by the way, I don't think we have actually met" you replied with a smile. "I'm Neville" he stated, causing him to blush even more. After that little, cute scene you guys became the best of friends.

Seamus: It was in third year on a Hogsmeade trip. You were in honeydukes trying to figure out where all the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans were at. After a (fairly) long search, you FINALLY found them (well, it, since there was only one left). You quickly rushed over to it, hoping that no one else would take it. Suddenly, much to your liking, someone snatched it right when you got hold of it. Luckily, your grip was super strong so you were still holding onto it, but it also caused you and the other person to have a tug of war with the box. Great. "Let go of it, you nitwit! I saw it first!" You said, pulling it as hard as you can (but not that hard so it doesn't break).
"Well, I was the one to touch it first!" He replied with his Irish accent. Two long minutes have pasted and you two are still fighting over the box until you sighed and stated, "Why don't we just share it?!"
He shrugged, "fine, but you're paying"
"No, how about we BOTH pay half," you replied, bitterly. "I'm (Y/N) by the way."

Fred: It was in your fourth year and his fifth when you met. "George, would you please tell your twin to STOP giving Professor Mcgonagall a headache every single time he walks in a room with her in it?!" I whined, tired of saying that over and over again.
"Hey! Why do you keep asking me? You're supposed to be asking HIM, not me!" He replied.
You just reacted by rolling your eyes and walked away mumbling, "Fine, whatever"
So you ventured out into the magical monstrosity known as Hogwarts to find Fred. Once you found him, you shyly asked him, "Um, Fred?"
"OH! You scared me! Hey, you're (Y/N) right?" He screamed.
"Um, yes?"
"Oh, cool! George has told me a LOT about you!"
"Good" you smiled, but quickly shook your head. "Anyways, I came here to tell you to STOP giving Professor Mcgonagall headaches!"
"Did she tell you to say that?" he said with a little laugh at the end.
"It doesn't matter" you rolled your eyes.
"Fine. Hey, do you want to go to the kitchen and get some food?"
"Ooh! I've never been to the kitchen before!"
"You'll love it" he smiled. And just like that you two became the best of friends.

George: Same as Fred (but you were more outgoing) because it's like 3:00 in the morning here and I'm soooo tired😴😴😴😴

A/n woah! 1128 words that's a new record

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