Chapter 2

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It was about 5am when I finally get home from a night of partying at some club I forget the name, I had just plopped into bed not even caring to change my clothes when I hear my phone go off and off I try to ignore it but it won't shut up, I finally pick it up I was so close to either throwing it at the wall or telling who ever is calling me that I will hunt them down but I saw the name that was calling and I thought both my plans would end badly for me

as soon as I click the accept button I hear his usually sigh
"What took you so long to answer the phone!"

"Hello to you to Ezra do you know what time it is" I say As I'm trying to control my temper

"This is important I need your help"

As soon as the words left his mouth I'm sitting straight up on the bed
"Is something wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yes I fine but I need you to do something for me"

"You call me at 5 o'clock in the morning for me to help you with something really"

"Shut up and listen to me! We don't have a lot of time I need you to protect some people"
I can not believe he just said he needed me to protect someone why would a vampire protect anyone

"Why would you want me to protect anyone I'm a vampire whoever they are should be able to protect themselves and why not you if they are soo important"

I can hear him breathing heavily trying not to lash out at me
"Because I'm taking care of some business and I would be to noticeable"

"Yeah your so noticeable what do you think all the girls are just going to scream and chase you because your just so good looking and who are you trying to protect the president" I scoff

"Aria shut it before I snap your neck"
I just sigh in response

"Now I owe someone a favor and they decided to finally collect that person that I owe a favor is a werewolf and she needs me to help her protect her brothers pack"

I try to take in all the information Ezra owes someone a favor that was shocking enough but their werewolves I mean yes he's told me about werewolves and yes I've met one or two but I mean werewolves and vampires don't really get along to well.

"Okay let me get this straight I'm supposed to protect a werewolf pack me one vampire"

"Yes Aria but you will mostly just be keeping a close eye on them"

"Why would they even need protecting?"

"Someone taking out werewolf packs I don't know why but I just need you to go to there high school and keep a eye on them"

"HIGH SCHOOL! Are you crazy why would I go back to high school it was awful the first time and why would the pack even want a vampire to watch over them?" I basically tell

"They don't know about this and plus they don't even know that vampires exist all you will need to do is enroll in school make up a story for yourself and befriend them but do not let them know who you really are and why your there" he says like its the easiest thing in the world

"What do I get out of this?" I ask him

He's quiet for a moment.

"I will owe you a favor, please Aria"

"Okay I will help you when do I start"I sigh in defiant

"You will need to leave tomorrow I will make all the arrangements and you will be staying at a friend of mines house"

"Fine now can I go to sleep"

"Thank you" and with that he hangs up

"What did you get me into" I say out loud

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