Chapter 25

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"I'm home" I yell

"How was school" Alaric asked sitting on the couch

"School was school but ummm Tyler asked me on a date" I don't look at him I know he will give me those judgey eyes but after a couple of seconds he still hasn't said anything I'm still looking at the floor "say something, yell I don't know" I look at him he trying not laugh "this is serious" I saw with a huff

"I can see, it's a date Aria I mean you guys hang out by yourselves anyway. did want me to say no?"

"Well no but your being to calm about this" I look at him suspiciously

"I'm not your parent I'm not even your real uncle I can't say "no Aria you can't go" plus I trust you to make the right decisions" he shrugs

I don't know why but it's like I forgot that he wasn't my real uncle or my dad it's been nice having someone look after me and want what's best but I'm not telling him that
"Okay cool"

"Want to go get something to eat later"


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