Chapter 12

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It's finally Sunday they all left Saturday night after we finished our movie marathon .

I hear a knock on my door and see Alaric

"Hi?"I ask a little confused

"I was going to grab something to eat did you want to come with me" he says looking a little uncomfortable

"Sure" I mean I should get to know the guy

We arrive at some diner and sit in a red booth

"Do your come here a lot?" I ask trying to make small talk

"I have a couple of time but it was a long time ago"

"So do you have a girlfriend?"

"No I don't"

"Why are you doing this if you don't mind me asking I mean you don't like vampires" I can't help but ask

"No I don't I think there abomination"

"Wow thanks" I laugh

"But I owed Ezra a favor and he ask me to watch you"

It takes everything not to ask him what did Ezra do for Alaric to owe him a favor but I guess that's between them.

"Okay have you lived here your whole life?" I ask another question

"I grew up here but moved after high school"

"Do you hate me" I don't know why I said this but I feel like I needed to know

He's quiet for a minute "I just hate vampires"

"You know not all vampires are bad"

"Vampires kill people and you can't deny it I know you probably have"

"It's true I have but I don't kill just to kill the only people I've hurt were people who deserved it and trust they deserve what I did to them" I try not to get worked up but I can't help but think about the first person I ever killed

Flash back
I was just walking trying to clear my head, I had been a vampire for a month. I'm still staying in my hometown, Ezra never let me out on my own he thought it was to dangerous he thought I would see someone I knew or that I would hurt someone, but finally I convinced him to let me take a walk on my own he actually agreed.

I'm walking in a bad part of town but I wasn't scared not anymore before I wouldn't of step foot in this part of town especially at night.

All of sudden I swear I hear a whimper it was so quiet that the human ear probably couldn't hear it, I followed the sound and saw Lily Evans in the alley I know her from school she used to pick on me everyday and say that I was worthless.

I stared at her but she wasn't alone some guy maybe in his 50s had her pushed up against the wall with a knife in his hand telling her to shut up, I knew exactly what he planned to do to her, the vampire part of me said leave that's what she gets but the human part even though small said to help her.

I walk over to him grabbed his shoulder and threw him to the wall behind us, I looked down and saw Lily on the ground crying bleeding from were I guess he cut her, seeing that blood made my fangs come out and my eyes turn red, I look behind me to where I threw him and he looked at me like he wanted to kill me for interrupting but he didn't know what kind of monster I was behind my hoodie.

I slowly walk over to him I crouch down to his level on the ground and look him in the eye and compel him to tell me how many girls has he done this to, he says 2.

I can't look at him anymore I grab his hair and pull it so I can access his neck and I clamp down with my fangs and drink, I hold him down till he stop struggling and I realize he dead I let him go and he drop to the ground.

I hear Lily still crying behind me, I turn to her she looks so scared she looks at me and says "please don't hurt me" after everything she's done to me I should hate her but I don't she doesn't deserve what almost happened to her no one does.

I help her up she still doesn't know who I am or really what I am so I look in her eyes and say " you will forget that this ever happened you got lost and fell your going to go home and go to school tomorrow and be a good person a nice person that you know you are deep down"

she looks confused and looks at me and says " I'm sorry I'm lost do you know where Main Street is?"

I then point her in the right direction, I watch her every step of the way making sure she got home safe.

I walk back into Ezra apartment and he looks mad at me for being out so long I take my hoodie off and he sees I have blood all around my mouth before he can say a word I start crying the kind of crying where you don't think your never going to stop, he takes me in his arms and comforts me and takes a wash rag and wipes the blood off my face and says that I'm going to be alright.

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