In 1955....

France: *doing something to chibi!canada* (use your imagination XD)
Lia: *came out of nowhere and smacks him with a baseball bat* WTF R U DOING BITCH TO MAH BABY!

France: owwowoowoww....
Lia: *carrys chibi!Canada* what did he do?

Chibi!canada: h-he put m-me in the c-couch a-and just k-kissing me...
Lia: *puts chibi!canada down and started kicking france in the balls XD* BITCH IF YOU DON'T STOP DOING SOMETHING TO MY BABY I'LL FUCKIN' TORTURE YOU WITH THE RAT TORTURE.....(search the rat torture if you don't know.)

France: N-No! I won't! I won't do that again!
Lia: SHUT THE HELL UP! *kicking him*

Chibi!canada: wow.....

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