Hey guys, so I'm back from marine training, and boy am I glad to be home. That was extremely difficult, but really worth it. I only have two pictures, just showing you guys my new uniform.
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So this first picture is my dress uniform, which I would wear for dances, meetings, and such. Since I'm now a Corporal, I have a bit more on my uniform. None of it is official, since it's just training and is basically all a simulation. But anyway, the medal is to symbolize that I'm Corporal, so I'm over my division. We were split into ten teams. Ours was team green, as you can see by my shirt. The tie bar is to symbolize that I'm captain, as seen by the leader with a trumpet on the bar. The pin on my collar is to symbolize where I come from. It has the American flag along with the Nevada state flag, to symbolize my home state.
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This next picture is what I wear in "combat" which in this case was war games fought with rubber bullets. I have that same pin as last time, along with the captain's pin on the other side of my collar.
So that's all I have for you guys, if you want to ask me anything about training, leave a comment or just PM me, I don't bite. Glad to be back 😄