In the light there is only darkness
In the crowd but all alone
The voice of the demons in my soul, call
Into the abyss I fall
The mask of a smile hides my pain
I feel broken, worn down, and trapped by chains
I carry the dark mantel just like bruce wayne
In the mirror I see a monster
In my heart I feel a beast not a beat
One that claws its way out to be released
The real me is a demon
When I'm f*cked up thats the real me
The blood drains from my body
I become an empty corpse
Love comes at me from all directions
But I shoot it in its course
the stitches break apart
as I kill the feelings in my heart
I hate all the passion
I want the death
I want the suffering
there ears to ring
So they see the Darkness in my life
So they see the Darkness is my life