Chapter 5: Does this make me look fat?

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Screamed Carragh, running towards the sales rack.

I sighed at her scream but with just as much enthusiasm, I bolted towards the latest sales rack at Macy's.

"FIFTY PERCENT OFF!!!" Continued Carragh excitedly,

"I know, and just in time! Marias party's in 4 days!""

Everyone had caught the party bug, and Maria was strangely increasingly popular in our class.

But no amount of sales at Macys us going to make me forget about the way that Damein looked at me last night... no Nicky, forget about that, your with Daniel now. And with that I resised into an innicent daydream of me and Daniel.

'I walk into the party, a little embarrased, and waiting at the doorway, is him. He flicks his hair to the side and walks up to me.

"Hi, I've missed you," he says, then he kisses me, slowly and passionatly. He looks at me, with those deep eyes and he whispers...

"Does this make me look fat?"

I was violently jerked out of my day dream by a question from Carragh. Impatiently awaiting the, predictable, answer, she was nervously looking at her reflection in the mirror. How long was I daydreaming for? Carragh turned to face me,


By then I'd forgotten her question and tried,


Then I saw her face.


She looked happier with that and ended up buying he cute outfit of;

• A checked tank top,

• High waisted shorts,

• And, high tops.

She looked stunning in everything, but she liked that outfit, so I just went along with it. When I'd said goodbye to Carragh, I had a mission. I was going to get Damien a girlfriend. I invited him to Abby's, totally casual, but secretly I've been planning to pick the cutest girl there and set her up wih Damien! It's official, I am superior in every way!! Happy dance, lalalala!! OK me calm down now, time to put this plan into action! I felt like a spy walking in there picking out he prettiest and most thoughtful looking one. I saw this girl from our class, Lily and I knew, she was the one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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