chapter 2 :)

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My mind was on daniel all day. I breathed, slept and my heart beats for him. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,DANIEL, DANIEL, D A N I E L!!!!!!! I think im going crazy to be perfectly honest. Although hes never spoken to me, absense does make the heart grow fonder. Right? Or maybe im kidding myself, maybe hes not for me, i saw him making eyes at Sky Philips, the most ANNOYING girl in 13 C (our class, im 16 by the way) and she was being all flirty and giggly back. I hate that girl, I really do. But she is pretty, anyone would have to admit it. But I dont, well at least not ot anyone else. Were was I? Oh, yes, daniel and Sky. Ugh, they sound cute to gether. Well at least thats what shes been saying, ALL OVER facebook. I really hate that chick, I really do. But I dont hate Daniel. Carragh says ive got it bad, and boy I do hes all i think about every day, every night, every hour, every minute, every SECOND, i think about him about us.... I am jolted back to apocalyptic reality, were im sat in English 5 anwering some question on shakespeares 'Romeo and Juliet' which i hadnt read nor heard anything about. Mrs Morton is tapping her toe impatiently, as carragh tried to tellme the anwer, but i coulnt make out what she was talking about. Meloncoly mean, riccity screen.... BALCONY SCENE!! Nice save by Nicky! Mrs Morton still wants to speak to me after class, though. So much for the save....

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