And the Problems came on

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1 year later...

Trisha PoV

I get my things needed. What is i hated on Director Fury that they didin't get a system barrier to care in the program. Gods the S.H.I.E.L.D. is in the Hydra. Samantha and Jarvis is hacked by Ultron.

In my supernatural side. Is get a good connection to internet highest place in fucking universe but the signal is weak. Many seminars been attended. I hate being a goddess. Artemis always tell her 100,210 happen in her whole maiden goddess life. In camp their so addicted now i get their gadgets. My head exploding in problem. Dad and Mom was okay they been married. I almost killed by planning their wedding of the century. Hera is been angry to Zeus because their wedding is not like mom and dad. Gods.

Its been hard to drive manual. If Jarvs maybe he go me anywhere. I swipe my id to enter to Stark Industries but im the one who is working. My name in id is Agent Dei. And my name in being a Goddess is Goddess Dei because they add to being my goddess is Goddess of Mystrious so Goddess Dei is my name. Ugh whatever "Welcome back E princess." Agent Colton greet me. Stark Tower is filled of Agents. "Is Uncle and her idoitic teamates is there?" I asked her only few know who are really am I. "In Avengers Tower in Manhhattan E princess. " i smile. That was a real Agent fast to answer all questions. "Ok thanks." I said i flew away to Manhhattan. Another id. My bag was full of ID. Like Dafuq? I swipe and continuing walking. I dont care if they're gazing on me. "That was so good start to greet me in the first week of year." I said they all look at me the twins are here too. "Capt. watch your shield." His fucking shield just been almost go through my face. "Sorry Trish." Its so short name and they cant pronunce correctly "Its trisha." My uncle just nothing playing our toys. "Tommorrow im gonna go back Jarvis and Samantha." They explode in happiness. Idiots.

I ran through my room. 67 hooks for Ids you realize that. Im like a slave here. "Nice talking to all of you bitches." I sat on my chair playing anything "We have another problem. Ultron connect to Tartarsauce brain to defeat Gods." Uncle speak "Oh Hades." I murterred "Why you know them?" They asked. Nick Fury enter in the room "What is happening?" He asked "Just giving some knowlegede about Greek." I said "Ultron only can hack if the thing or person has technology. Tartarus primodial god. He is real. Oh FUCK. Who is the responsible to give him gadgets. Later talk to gods. And i need to get the gadgets to thwm or they will be hacked." I catching her breath "Tartarus is place in the deepest part of the Underworld. So i need -" "My brother." Thor said. No brains "Hades were in greek thor not in norse."
Thor nodded while eating poptarts "So we need to go to Tartarus Pit ASAP because of it." Natasha speak. "We need the help of demigods." I said all of the laugh. I almost flip the table "Im not joking. And Thor i thought you understand me but no. Nex day we need to get my half-brother. And the other demigod but tommorrow. To Ultron. Im just going to Olympus." I apparate to Olympus i make my self big. "Who the Hades give Tartarus a Gadget?!" I ahouted on them "Me,why?" Hermes raised his hands "You didin't know what did you do. Tartarus is just hacked by Ultron a program, virus,fuck and bitch. Now Ultron control Tartarus." I get the 3D copy of Tartarus pit. I see him making a army. Mortal army again and some immortal. "Tartarus is going to up to Earth and kill the Avengers. The world's finest hero's. They have 9 members. Im a sercet member too. Im actually an Agent. And Ultron granted Tartarus wish. To kill all immortals." We all sigh. Alway making plan but they always lose "-for now im gonna get all technology for the safety that you dont underpower by Ultron." I trace where all the technology was. I broke it "-I will get back the gadgets when i can control Ultron on Mind Reading or by Hacking his system." All gods stand up and thank to me "Were so proud of you." Dad hugged me "I-i cant breath." He release me "Oh i have important news. Annabeth is pregnant 4 weeks." Athena smile "If boy im gonna named her before the boy i met in Field of Elysium Luke Adrian Angelo Castillo Chase Jackson. Of course my nephew need my name. If girl i name her Zoë Francine Alexandra Victoria Castillo Chase Jackson." They smile "The name is good but you dont need to put your surename." I feel offended "Uhh is there something wrong in my name? Actually its good because my surename have a touch of bitchness,royalty,power,respect and money." They laugh "Let them put their names. And im gonna said your ssuggestion." I go back to Avengers Tower. Banner was busy cumputating with uncle Scarlet was looking at me and spread her red power on me. Peitro busy looking at me back and front. Natasha blinked at me. Thor smile. "You can apparate." Thor clap his hands "Only Gods and Demigods can do that. Powerful demigods" Finally they see me and realize that gods are real "You mean gods and demigods are real?" Uncle left his mouth open "No scientific explanation." Bruce wipe his glasses "If Norse Gods are real i think Greek too. And greek gods are more gods than all other Myths." Natasha explain to Tony. Sky boomed "Dont say again. Gods is in Western Civiliation. They were in the heart of flames. This American in 600th floor of Empire State Building. Only demigods know where are Olympus." I explain "-There have Egyptian Gods are real too." I added. "Actually im a goddess to. Goddess Dei, Goddess of Mysteries,Owls,Snakes, Water thing maker,Techonology,Modern World, and Bitchness. Daughter of Athena and Poseidon. Later is the question."

They mouth form O "So tommorow me and maximoff's were acting like a Hrydra agent." I ran to my room. One of years i get Hydra id for mission. Im always the trap. "Bruce Banner copy this id to look that were hydra I.T. agents. Put their real names. I think S.H.I.E.L.D keep their identification? Right," I asked them. They nod. "I never made fake id's Trisha." I just facepalm "Get out." I make 2 hologram. Its easy i need some code that not is pair to others. "Finished." I throw to maximoff's. They smile. I think this is the first time to undercover. "Genuis. Very Genuis." Of course am I. Im just daughter of Athena and Poseidon like duh. "Party in 9 pm."

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