Good singers

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Trisha PoV

My morning was good. I have a very good dream, so this my dream is me and-- opss im not better said.
I go out to the kitchen counter. All people here is in rush "What is their problem,Sharon?" I ordered my favourite parfait.

"I dont know. I just hear is the hack move again." She said. I hesitate

I ran to meeting room they're all there. They all gulp. My blood boils. Im a part of this project and thet didint inform me. The hell, Loki was here too
and he wasnt part of this.

"Why the hell you didin't told me this? And who the heck allow you here Loki?" Im standing them wearing blue teddy bear pajama and green razor back shirt.

"Uhh. Your dreamly sleeping?" Percy said. He look like restless. Well of course because he have PTSD

"Your making plan, right?" I asked Annabeth. She just nod

"The chip move again its on wreck casino in the middle of desert nowhere instead of North Korea." Natasha explain

"So here is the plan. There have a party in Pentagon now. The hydra know that we are going to get the chip and they protecting it. Lou put potion on Clarrise, Thalia, Frank, Me, Percy, Travis, Connor, Romanova, and Stark for invisibility. So we cant see. Stark and Romanova and you got an invitation. Stark and Romanova exchange it for Piper and Jason. You, Piper, Banner, Barton, Maximoffs, Thor,Loki, Rogers, and Jason go to the party." Annabeth explain. There have blue prints of pentagon. They planning where they entering and exiting. I dont care about that, i care to Loki because he always pleasing for my forgiveness. I just ignoring him

7:45 pm

"We have only 3 hours to do this." They were wearing battle suits. I was wearing green with floral pattern of strapless gown. I wear my band and ring. I wear my gray 4 inches heels. My hair tied like im a goddess.

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