The last sight and smile

445 16 3

Its been a week since their fight and Karma is not as he usually is...y
He is very silent and he was always like thinking deeply
It was one of these days again that he was staring at nothing he suddenly stood up walking to the door even though the class is still going on walking pass Koro-sensei
"Karma-kun go back to your sit!" Koro-sensei said as other students specially Nagisa stood up to Karma.... He was silent until
"Minna! Search the room!!! And don't let the bombs detonate!!! It contains poison!!/hurry!" He exclaimed looking determined and look at Koro-sensei  with a nod the others started to search the room upside down as Karma ran outside with Nagisa behind him
"Karma!" He stopped hearing the voice,he looked back to Nagisa and just gave her a bright smile before running  but before he completely run out side
"I'll call!!!" He mouthed as Nagisa nod and went back to their room to begin searching......

"Yo!" A mischievous tone greeted
Which made Karma stop in his tracks and glared at the owner
"Kasaru!" He was smirking evilly "are you looking for someone?"
Karma just glare
'Oh I see you were looking for this??? He asked as he raise a device  with a red button
It was obviously A detonator...
Karma's eyes became darker oozing his bloodlust
"Ahhh'uh!uh! Move one inch all of the detonators will  hit the red button!" As if on cue some other men  came out from their hiding spot holding the same device ...
"That's not gonna work anymore!" Karma hissed  charging at the high schoolers who were holding the devices at high speed it was unbelievable...
Only one high schooler was left,it was Kasaru holding the last unbroken device,smirking he glared at Karma
"You really think you can protect 3-E??? Why don't you just be thankful? If the poison was discharged that yellow octopus will die and you guys will have a normal life!" He said in a mocking tone
"Tch! The only.."
*ring* Karma picked up the phone and answered already smirking evilly
"Karma-kun! Its me Nagisa! We already removed all of the..." Nagisa was cut by spraying sound and also coughs
Karma's eyes widened i t only took a millisecond before he ordered on the phone
"All of you get out of there now!!!" He shouted before the line was cut
Kasaru just laugh evilly
"So you really think you can protect them?? How silly!you're not fit to be a hero Karma you are just one hell killer!" He mocked but before he could even mock again he felt a strong kick on the stomach,very strong that he even coughed blood after landing,he hissed in pain and charged at Karma but failed Karma pinned him down...
Charging punches...
But at the last charge  Kasaru again laughed evilly
"You will die with me!"
"KARMA!" Nagisa's voice echoed to his ear before a booming sound...
Karma smiled before an orange and yellowish light ate him
Nagisa was near them but was protected by Koro-sensei's jelly including the whole class...
*time skip*
Nagisa's eyes flutter open
As she blink a few times because of the blinding light-after a few blinks she realized it was a hospital
And the whole class was there waiting for her to wake up
"Karma!" She shot up as Kayano and Okuda tried to push her back
"Koro- sensei where is Karma??"
All of them averted their gaze
It was 10 seconds of silence when Koro-sensei speak up
"Nagisa-kun!Karma is..
Is..Karma-kun is dead!"
That one minute of her life slowed down like a buffering internet connection until it fully processed to her head "Karma is dead!"
She let out a scream as she sobbed as the others tried to calm her down and Koro-sensei is also blaming himself for not protecting his students and promised to himself that he will never fail his students again ...

I Saw Him Again(ansatsu Kyoushitsu ) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now