gettin ready pt2

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(Mateo's outfit in media)
Mateo pov- so after listening to jayeda crybaby ass complain bout me bein late and shit i had got up and started gettin ready for da fair tbh i didnt even really wanna go i dnt feel like bein around all dem people dnt get me rong doe i love hangin wit my boys bt all dem extra people oh no sir i jst dnt kno cherish couldnt suggest sumn else
Jayeda- baby jordynn jst txted me she said her and Damien is on they're way up dere rite now
Mateo- ight im ready so we can jst head out now and get dis nite over wit do i can cum home and get in da bed it feels like i never get to relax
Jayeda-nigga plz u stay in da bed shut da hell up
Mateo- jayeda you wanna stay home
Jayeda- nooo
Mateo- den you shut da hell up and get out da door and i should make you change dat damn shirt
Jayeda- its not even dat bad
Mateo- goo out da door and i kno wat u tryna do
Jayeda- wat im tryna do
Mateo- you tryna be fast infront of deze boys who gon be at dat fair
Jayeda- aint nobidy wirrued bout dem nigga
Mateo- so wat nigga u worried bout
Jayeda- (wraps arms around his neck and kisses him) you and only you
Mateo- mhmm watever

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