Fun at the Fair

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Jayeda pov-so after we had left da house Teo and i jst decided to walk cz da house wasnt to far from da fair bt it was kinda quiet so i started a conversation
Jayeda- so are you excited
Mateo- bout wat
Mateo- ohh you talkin bout da fair.nah not really
Jayeda- bt why not
Mateo- cz i dnt feel like bein around all dem triflin ass people
Jayeda- dont pay attention to dem Ur gonna have a good nite witvur best girlfriend in da whole world and ur besties
Mateo- woah woah woah dnt call them my "besties"
Jayeda- why
Mateo- cz dat jst sounds gay
Jayeda- oh my lord😂
Mateo pov-When we finally made it there we haf saw jordynn and damien
Jordynn-zaammnnn look at da bitch rite thurr
Jayeda- shawty u neet to staaawwwp
Jordynn-you jst look so good
Jayeda- thank u boo so do you baby
Jordynn-sheeiittt i kno
Cherish- good lord all da baddies are out tonite😍
Girls-cheri (both hug her)
Jayeda- you lookin rite yo damn self mmm
Jordynn- dosent she
Cherish- thank yall u already kno i had to slay
Zay- a simple hello would have been jst fine
Mateo and Damien-yaaaaasssss
Girls- 😂😂😂stfu
Damien- anyways is yall ready to play some games
Everybody- yeah
Jayeda Pov- everything is goin so good rite now everybody is laughing and havin a great time including Mateo
We all got a prize from some type of game Unfourtnately its time to go😦😣it was sooo fun tonite
Cherish- ughh i wish dis nite wasnt ending
Jordynn-ikr time really does fly wen ur having fun it dnt even feel like we been here for 4 hours
Jayeda- exactly
Damien- yall act like yall aint gon see each other again
Jordynn-can we have a sleep over bae Damien- dat was da plan
Jordynn-no all of us
All boys-oh hell nah
Cherish- yall are mean
Mateo- look maybe next weekned or sumn not tonite
Girls- okay😧
(Everybody had said there goodbyes and wen their seperate ways)

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