Feelings Revealed

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Mateo pov-after da movie I had took jayeda to da water fountain dat only lights up at night we were standing side by side lookin over da railing den I had gotten behind her and wrapped my hands around her waist and played my chin on her shoulder
Jayeda- Mateo you jst dnt understand how long I've been waiting for a moment like dis wit you.instead of me always running trying to look for a place to hide so I won't get beaten by you or your friends
Mateo- jayeda listen da only reason I did dat was because I didn't know how to tell you dat I like you I usually dnt catch feelings for girls bt your...your...you and I think dats why I'm so attracted to you cz you jst keep it so real and dats all I been lookin for is a real down ass girl to be there for me wen I need her to
Jayeda-Mateo why didn't you jst say something you know you made me feel like I was nothing wen you did dat to me
Mateo- I know and I'm sorry cz your so much more to me you really are (both stop and stare in each others eyes and go into a deep passionate kiss)

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