Chapter 3

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*Skylar Viera's P.O.V*

"When do you think they created Pizza?" Ed asked.

I looked over at him and smiled, like I would know that, "Umm... I have absolutely no idea." I laugh.

His blue eyes held a bit of humor behind them, but he just ate.

I was about to take another bite of my pizza before I notice someone standing at the entrance.


The green eyes, the curly hair, the plaid shirt, the... Harry. He had been standing there, watching me. I couldn't move.

I feel frozen, yet limb. My whole body is cold, I can't feel a thing. I just stare at him, hoping this isn't real. The last time I saw Harry was at the airport in 2017, now he's here in 2022 right in front of me.

My pizza slips from my fingers and I can't breath.

He walks towards me, I want to run. Run for this can't be well. But I'm still Fucking frozen. The familiar feeling of electricity courses through my body, this can't be.

"Hey." he breaths.

I can't be looking at him, not now. Oh god.

"Hi." I squeak. I see Ed bend over to pick up my pizza and put it on my plate. Harry kept his eyes on me. "What are you doing here?" I almost whisper, I could feel water sting my eyes. I need to blink.

He takes a deep breath and a step closer, " I need to talk to you." he basically begs. He reaches out to me with his left hand, but I move back. He can't possibly expect me to just act as if he ignored me for about 6 fucking years.

My rejective response makes him uneasy, he looks around and I know he is embarrassed. I want to slap him, to kick him, act as immature as possible, and I would but I have a Ed here.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to go?" Ed asked, looking between us.

"No." I sigh, shaking my head.

"If you wouldn't mind." Harry, differs.

"No, no." I grab his attention away from poor Ed. " You don't get to decide anything. You don't call, write, Skype me. You did nothing for 6 fucking years. You don't deserve to have a say in anything." I snap.

"Yeah, I'm going." Ed states.

I watch as he gathers his stuff and leaves the very awkward and pathetic scene.

When he leaves the restaurant, I follow behind him, Harry is right on my tail.

"Did you ever go back to the house?" he asks.

I stop walking, and because I feel like I deserve to understand anything, I ask "What fucking house?" he is really here.

"The one I built for us. The one that is in our camping site, the one that sits in an area I still pay for? You never went back?" he looks disappointed. Him of all people.

"No, Harry. I never went back. I lived here long enough and have distracted myself enough to forget about you." I admit, " and you know whats fucked up about this whole thing?" I give him time to answer but he doesn't. "I didn't promise to go back to that house. I never promised that I would, and here you are disappointed and upset that I didn't go back. But if you would have asked me to promise, I WOULD HAVE FUCKING KEPT IT." My blood is boiling up and for some reason my tears are connected to me anger today, because the tears are coming. "You promised you would write, you would call, or anything and comeback. I waited and waited and waited and waited, Harry. You don't know how much I wanted to fly up to England and kick your balls back into your stomach for having the amount of courage you did to lie straight to my face about every little thing that came out of your mouth." I stop, he doesn't even deserve it. Turning away from him has always been so hard and this time isn't any easier with the look of guilt on his face.

But I did it, and he still wasn't done. "You've got to be kidding me." he laughs.

"What?" I breath, he can't be serious. Laughing, right now? I turn and he is.

"No, don't pull that confused face with me. You know exactly who I'm about to bring up." He still keeps his smug smile as I step towards him. "Isaac? That pretentious douche bag of a boyfriend you have. He lied through his teeth to you so many fucking times and you forgave him. So they can be small ones like, that I killed a man, that I told you you fell down steps when you didn't, that I hire a girl to keep Harry off your ass, that I made Emily and Harry breakup and didn't tell you shit? But god forbid that a guy says he's gonna call but he doesn't. Come on, I'm pretty sure you've heard those before." he's still smiling.

"He did what?" I say, no. He didn't come all the way over here to lie. "He knew Emily? He used Emily?" I'm not even sure I'm asking.

"Yeah, and he lied. Like he always does. I told you a couple of lies, I'm not right. But you have a huge one laying in your bed right now." he's being smug, like a jerk. A minute ago, he's all "I'm sorry, I want to explain" and now he's just "Your boyfriends a liar, let me rub it in your face.".

"Wait, you're here." Oh no, "You." he called the police.

He doesn't know what I'm talking about, "What?" he asked.

"You called the police, didn't you?" I accused him.

He was silent, his face neutral. I know him so well, even after all these years. He's about to lie.

"No." he quickly replies, "I have no idea what you are talking about." he looks at the ground and I wanna slap him.

"You're such a fucking liar." I whisper, walking away.

I hear his foots steps, "Ok, ok, ok, ok." he grabs my arm and I snap it back, turning one last fucking time.

"Would you just stop?" I ask, "I cant believe you. Coming here thinking you could just ruin something that's been the only constant in my life. I can't sum up just how... violated I feel. Why?" he makes a false happy face.

"I get to speak. Ok." he's pushing it. "I did it cause... I wanted him out of the picture. " wah.

I don't.. what? "What are you..?" I swear if he says what I think he is, I will lose it.

He looks down, and then back up. His green eyes, showing a vulnerability I didn't even knew existed and, "I am still in love with you. Maybe even a lot more, than before." he steps closer to me, and I look for the first time, look around.

Thank god, we haven't caused a scene.

I.. don't understand. I told him I loved him, you guys are my witness. Didn't he... not say the same? "I told you-" he interrupts me.

"I-I know, you did. I was afraid. I have so much to tell you, and I need your time so I can tell you." he's really fucking with me.

"You. Are. Not. Worth. My time." I finally finish and walk away.





"Hey." Ed calls for me at my door.

"Yes." I answer, looking back down at my paper. He had just experienced my boy problems, I hope he doesn't think any less of me. I know, I would.

"I know it's NON of my bus-" I look up and cut him off.

"Then leave it alone, and get back to your office." I demand.

He looks down and I feel bad, "I just want-".

"You don't have to, its fine. I'm fine, OK?" I say, getting upset.

"Ok, Ms. Viera." he leaves, in disappointment.

I can't...


This one is short. Ugh. Ill do better.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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