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Getting out of the shower, I felt fresh and renewed. I wrapped a towel around my body. I find my clothes on top of the dresser instead of inside. That's odd.

There was note on top of my shirt. Washed your clothes this morning. I grabbed my bra and underwear. Putting them both on along with my shirt and shorts.

The smell of bacon and eggs reached my nose. A man who can cook. I leave my bedroom. Still reminding myself that I am a missing person. I never got to take a good look at the apartment.

The roof was higher than most apartments, their were windows on each side of the kitchen, three sofas, a flat screen tv, his room was besides an office.

"You can cook?" I ask.

"Yeah, my mom taught me how to when I was younger." Francisco answers.

"You are a mama's boy aren't you?" I ask. He stayed quiet for a second before nodding his head. Don't even think about getting along with him Sage. He's still a kidnapper.

"I find it pretty strange that you're young and kidnap people in a nice place." I pointed out. He looks up from the bacon he was pouring onto the plates.

"I didn't tell you." Francisco replies.

"No. I don't know what you're taking about." I said wary. He looks back at the bacon.

"I am not just your everyday rape-kill-kidnapper. Like I said you are here for a reason. The reasons for why I do these things and brought you to a strop club. Let you wander off to the bathroom on your own. Is because I am not afraid to kill you, because I am in the mafia." Francisco explains.

Mafia, It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organisational structure and code of conduct.

"Mafia. The people who kill, deliverer drugs, do illegal things. They are not any better than fifty year old man kidnapper." I reply in fear, using my words carefully.

"Seriously? You would rather be raped and killed than being with someone who just illegal things. Please, you don't what you're talking about." Francisco said chuckling.

"I knew things weren't right. When you had luxury stuff and weren't fifty years old." I reply in a serious way.

"I would just avoid trying to escape now. Because I am smarter than you think." Francisco acknowledges cockily.

"My Grandma, friends, and neighbors are going to realize something isn't right when I not home." I said as he sets the plate in front of me.

"Don't worry, I had everything already taken care of anyways." Francisco replies walking away from the kitchen.

Just ignore him. He's just fooling with you. Walking to the drawers, I pull out a fork and a butter knife. Walking back over to the table. As I ate my breakfast in silence.

After I was done. I set the fork and knife onto the plate. Walking over to sink. Putting them in and letting water run over the plate.

"You ready to go?" Francisco ask while I was cleaning off the plate. He on a antique white sweater with some black joggers, and white old skool vans.

Dresses like most boys, also acting like most boys. What a classic f-boy.

"Yeah, I guess." I answer.


"I am assuming that I have some sort of limit to this shopping deal? I ask.

"Yeah, don't spend it on pointless things. Like the thing that explodes in your bath, soap, body wash, all that unimportant stuff." Francisco answers.

"A bath bomb you mean?" I ask.

"Yeah, Amanda is in love with those. I find no purpose in them." Francisco answers.

"Oh cool." I said, not caring what so ever. But apparently I had to since it was his girlfriend.

We entered into the mall. It was about the same size as most of the malls in California. It was so awkward to go shopping with a boy. Especially someone who you barley know.

"You can go to wherever stores you want and I'll go to mine. Then I'll tell you when I find something nice. Yah?" I ask. He laughs, his perfectly white and straight teeth shown. Stop it Sage.

"You think I am just gonna let you wander off to stores on your own." Francisco answers.

"Come on, what do you think I'm gonna do. Call the police? Runaway?" I ask. What are you thinking Sage? We are at the mall. Go and get the police. Get some help!

"Yes, that exactly." Francisco said.

"Fine, but don't complain or judge what I want to try on. Because it's my style, my choice." I reply.

"So sassy aren't you?" Francisco ask.

"Yes I am." I answer turning away from him. There was barely anyone at the mall. Smart.

We both walk into this Vans store. Which was one of my favorite stores in the mall. I just adored their shoes so much. Francisco sat down on the bench looking at me as I was going through the shoes.

You could take advantage of this. So use it well. Maybe perhaps three pairs of vans. Since who knows how long I was going to be here for.

Walking over to the small triangle racks of the checkerboard vans. I took the off white and black ones. A teenage girl with black hair comes up to me. Probably younger or older than me.

"Do you have this in a size eight?" I ask. She grabs the shoe from me gently.

"Let me go check in the back." She said. I nodded at her statement. She walks to the back.

I grabbed a white and black old skool vans from the shelf, adding just the classic white slip-ons. I sat on bench far from Francisco. Still not trusting him at all. 

When we done at the mall. I over like twenty bags, not literally. But I had enough clothes for nearly a whole school year. I did feel some sort of guilt for almost destroying Francisco's credit card.

"Thanks for spending so much." Francisco said sarcastically. As much as I wanted to laugh with him, I didn't want him to think that this made us at least acquaintances.

"You're welcome." I reply. He smiles at my reply. Stupid! You were just supposed to ignore him! Would if he got mad at me, then what?

I just got into the car, ignoring my thoughts.

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