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With a loud slam on the floor. I hurried along towards the light. Once I got the light. I reached down and almost grabbed the phone phone which was the reason why it was flashing. As I was doing so, there was a grip on my arm.

"Get anywhere near me, I will your fucking brains out." Francisco says coldly. I kneeled down as he let go of my wrist.

"It's me." I reply. There was a moment of silent when Francisco realized his mistake or something else got to him.

He stood up facing me. I could barely see him in the pitch black darkness. But the window was illuminating the room from the moon and other buildings.

He had pieces of his hair dropping down on his forehead. Even though Francisco was a dick, I still couldn't help but think he was attractive. Besides the point.

"You're going to get my car keys and leave. I am not risking your life. I can deal with this on my own." Francisco demanded with no sympathy.

"No. I am not leaving you." I reply flashing the flashlight at him. Not even meaning to do it at his face. But it revealed something else.

His left hand was covered in crimson red. Blood. His right arm was also covered in blood. That's what the gunfire was. Francisco was shot.

"What the hell are you doing?" Francisco ask frustratedly.

"You're injured, but that wouldn't have changed the fact that I am not leaving you. Would if you can't deal with him alone. You're willing to risk your life." I answer. Francisco furrows his eyebrows together at my words.

"You're going to leave me. Understand?" Francisco replies not even taking note of what I said.

"I am not leaving you!" I shouted.

"We have a lot to talk about." Francisco says, walking over grabbing the car keys from the counter. "I am driving, I don't care if I have a bullet lodged into my arm."

"Fine with me." I sassily agreed.

I opened the apartment door for him. I wanted to remind Francisco that the burglar was still alive, but I didn't want Francisco to kill him. Because it didn't seem like the right thing.


I slowly pressed the warm rag against Francisco's arm. He gritted his teeth. I am glad that Sofia got the bullet from his arm. Francisco didn't talk to me about anything in the car. It was silent, muffled radio, ride.

His arm was going to need some stitching. I just had to get the excess away. Sofia had the needle and what looked like thread. She jabs it into Francisco's arm.

I couldn't watch this, I walked out the room. Trying to get rid of the dizziness I felt sick just looking at Francisco wound. Bringing myself back to the kitchen as I left the room or Sofia's office.

Walking over to the counter chairs. I picked up the cardboard box. Reminding myself it was full of my clothes and other accessories.

"Hey Sage, what are you doing here?" Jazz's sweet voice rung in my head.

"Francisco got shot in his arm, he needed to come over here or at least I convinced him to. But Sofia's helping him." I answer turning around. She had on a cami tank and grey lounge pants.

"I'm surprised that he actually went with you. Most of the time he is so stubborn and goes on his own time." Jazz replies.

"A lot of debating and arguing does the magic." I said honestly.

"Do you need help unpacking and I'll show you your room." Jazz replies.

"Martinez already got my room set up?" I ask tucking a piece of my hair behind my hair as it bugged me.

"Yes. Be surprised." Jazz answers.

"Well, tour me around!" I said excitedly. I followed behind her with the box still in my hand. Even past it being extremely heavy.

We got up the stairs as Jazz takes a right turn down the hall to this room room. There was a bathroom besides the room. Jazz opens the door. Revealing my bedroom.

The bed was against the wall, in the center. There was a closet on the right side. A vanity on the left side of my room against the wall. A tv on the dresser in front of my room.

I set the box onto the floor. Out of nowhere, Jazz puts the scissors onto the floor besides me. I picked it up. Only using half of the scissors to cut the box open. I take fold the flaps. Taking out my shoes first. Placing them onto the floor.

"Woah, Francisco bought you so much clothes. He never does that for any girl. What kinda of magic do you have?" Jazz ask still sitting on my bed.

"Being sassy towards him." I answer chuckling. Jazz joins in my laughter.

Jazz came to help me organize my clothes putting my shirts onto the hangers in the closet. Once we reached the bottom of the boxes everything was fast.

"So, um I've been to ask you for a while. Actually two things to be honest." Jazz brings up. What? That you have feelings for Francisco? If so, I would have to tell you you're making a mistake.

"Go on." I said quietly.

"Do you have feelings for Miles?" Jazz ask. I almost threw up in my mouth. Miles was sincere at first, but now he's just obsessed.

"No, never. He's too obsessed." I answer putting the shirt onto the hanger.

"One more, did you tell Francisco about Amanda?" Jazz ask.

"Yes, I couldn't let you suffer through your job. Even though it wasn't my business. I had to tell Francisco. He doesn't need her." I answer.

"You're so interesting. Nobody ever stands up to Francisco, ever." Jazz replies. Past him yelling at people. There is nothing scary about him.

"There is nothing scary about him anyways. He's just part of a mafia. That's it." I said.

"I would watch what you say. Maybe he's just not mean to you because he doesn't know you enough." Jazz replies.

"Maybe." I said.

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