Out Cold

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"Alright everyone please return back to your tables. While we continue on our event." The man once again back to the podium

After the slow dance, Francisco disappeared into the crowd of people and he didn't come back to where Martinez and the others were at. They returned to the table.

Miles sits down besides me. I didn't want to look at him, but I knew he was looking at me. I looked up as Martinez, Tom, and Jo sat down at here reserved places. Sofia and Francisco came back together taking a seat.

I wish Jazz was here. I mean I wasn't the only girl it's just Sofia acted like a mom figure instead a friend. A waiter came by placing down menus in front of us on the table.

Julia came to join our table. She took a seat besides Francisco. Miles gave her a big smile. I rolled my eyes at him picking up my menu putting it vertically in front of me to cover my face like a child.

"Hey everyone!" That voice made scream with joy. I dropped the menu without the slightest of care. Standing up from my chair turning around. Jazz embraces me.

"I am so glad you came." I said.

"I gotta go to the bathroom and fix my makeup. So can you come with me?" Jazz ask. I nodded with the biggest smile across my face. We both walked away from the table.

"How did you get out of working?" I ask as walked quickly away from the table.

"One of my best friends, Amber took the hours for me. I came, because I felt so bored at the estate." Jazz answers.

"Can tonight just get any better." I said happily as we walked down this hallway.

"You liked going with Miles?" Jazz ask pushing open this door which was soon to be revealed as the bathroom, also luxury. I hear the both of our shoes clicking among the floor.

She walked towards the mirror grabbing something from her purse taking out some lipstick.

"So did you enjoy going with Miles or something? Can't just leave me hanging." Jazz ask looking away from the mirror.

"Francisco asked me to dance with him and I said yes. Which I don't know how I felt when we were done. Confused mostly." I answer folding my arms.

"You are just catching feelings, it's obvious and I seriously missed that." Jazz replies. I almost wanted to puke in my mouth. Someone as arrogant as him and who went from woman to woman

"No, Francisco is not for me. He is so full of himself and I just can't stand it. His personality is the worst." I said annoyed.

"Well Sage maybe something will change than for you. You are quite different from many girls that has some interaction with Francisco." Jazz replies putting the rest of her makeup stuff into her purse and she walks towards me.

I opened the door for her as we both left the bathroom. Walking out from the bathroom. Down the hallway. I see waiters and waitresses walking with menus along with chefs hurrying into the kitchen.

We returned back to the table. I see they had there food already served. Jazz takes a seat besides my chair. Julia looks at me raising her eyebrows.

"Are you going sit down?" Julia ask.

"Yes." I answer turning around, but that was my mistake. I hit into the waiter who was holding the tray of ice cold water. His reflex was to pour it on me.

I looked down at my dress, it had seem like the whole building went quiet. Clenching my fist together. Before anyone could say or do anything, my first instinct was to hurry out of the building.

"Sage." Jazz calls. I ignored it. Just kept walking and didn't even pay attention to anything around me. All I was giving attention towards was the exit.

Finally reaching the exit door. Pushing the door open. Some fresh air, finally. I hear the door shut behind me. Almost immediately, the door locks.

"You could finally go home." A voice said as I took a seat on the bench. Not paying any attention since I was still looking down at my dress.

"What?" I ask looking up.

The man had bandana on. With a black hoodie and black pants. Slowly getting up. I reached down for my heels. I took them both off as I got up.

"If you come with me. I'll be able to take you back home." He said in a hoarsely voice. I walked slowly towards the door.

"No, I actually have to go back now." I reply walking closer to the door. Every escalates when he grabs my waist tugging me back. I slammed him in the head with the bottom of my heel.

He groans in pain. Before regaining himself. I reached the door trying to pry the door open. Nothing worked. Turning around ready to hit him. He stabs, what it feels is a syringe.

I tried to strike back at him. But my arm immediately falls asleep dropping my shoe onto the ground. I fell to the ground as my head was throbbing.

Everything becomes blurry before I couldn't seem anything. I blacked out.


My eyes slowly fluttered open. I couldn't seem what was around me clearly. My head was ringing hysterically.

Using my elbows to push myself up. My eyes cleared up, I was in a bathroom. On the floor. Gross. Sitting up. I was on a mattress. There was table in front of me. With a grey shirt and some black leggings.

I grabbed them both from the table. Peeling off my dress. As I folded it neatly. My body made me feel so ashamed. Barely tan, some moles on my stomach. I was ugly. Maybe that's why Tristan found no interest in me.

I hurried putting on the grey shirt and black leggings. They were above my ankles. Leggings had always been too long for me so this was perfect.

"You're awake."

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