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"hey tyler." josh simply says, a glass of whiskey in hand.

"how did you-?" tyler begins to say but josh cuts him off.

"how did i find you on a sketchy prostitution site? long story." josh finishes and answers tylers unspoken question.

"can i at least come in? it's cold as hell out here."

josh steps aside and lets tyler walk past him into the foyer.

"you're fucking weird." tyler scoffs as josh closes the front door.

"i'm not normal, clearly. i thought you would've figured that out by now."

"well i'm sorry sex on a bathroom floor didn't give me a spiritual connection to you like you apparently got from me." tyler rolls his eyes at the taller man and walks into the living room admiring the decorations.

josh follows tyler and sits on the chair near where tyler was standing.

tyler turns around to face josh and opens his mouth but rethinks what he was about to say.

"why did you look me up? why are you so intent on me?" tyler finally asks.

josh shrugs and takes a drink from his whiskey, "you're the most exciting person ive even been with - sexually of course. i didn't want to give that up just because you're an emotional teen."

"i'm 22 years old." tyler tells josh, rolling his eyes.

"and i'm 28. you're basically a teenager to me in mental capacity."

tyler rolls his eyes. "are we gonna get this over with or not?"

josh raises his eyebrow, "i thought you were intent on not talking to me again." he pauses "much less letting me fuck you."

"we don't have to talk while you fuck me." tyler blatantly states.

josh smirks and stands up, grabbing tylers hips and pushes him against the wall.

"you make a good point." he says, biting where tylers shoulder meets his neck.

tyler tilts his head, giving the dominant man better access.

"but why should i reward you for being a brat?" josh stops his actions and backs away from tyler, who emits a whimper from the loss of warmth.

tyler pushes off the wall to walk up to josh and puts his left hand on top joshs dress pants and squeezes, joshs cock hardening immediately at the touch.

"this is why." tyler says, smiling innocently up at josh.

josh narrows his eyes at tyler and picks him up by the waist and throws him over his shoulder and walks up the stairs near the living room.

"again," josh takes his left hand and smacks tylers ass, "what the fuck happened to not wanting to talk to me ever again?"

tyler whimpers but answers nonetheless, "i guess you're the most exciting person i've even been with, too."

josh smirks and finally reaches his bedroom, throwing tyler on top of the bed.

"shirt, off." josh demands as he removes his tie and shirt.

tyler immediately takes his shirt off and josh gets on the bed crawling over tyler and kissing down his neck to his nipples.

josh looks up at tyler. his head is thrown back and his eyes fluttered shut.

josh circles his tongue around tylers right nipple, using his left hand to tweak tylers left.

"o-oh!" tyler moans, bucking his hips upwards.

josh trails down to tylers pants and cups his cock.

tyler moans loudly and josh smirks.

suddenly, tyler flips them over and starts grinding on josh, his hands on joshs shoulders to keep steady.

"eager." josh murmurs.

"all for you, daddy." tyler moans and grinds harder on joshs clothed cock.

josh steadies tylers hips and flips them back over to josh on top.

josh unzips tylers pants and lifts his own hips up to pull them out from under him, along with tylers underwear.

josh scoots down further so his knees are where tylers ankles are, and grabs tylers cock in one hand, leaning down to kiss the tip.

tyler moans and threads a hand through joshs red hair, pushing his head further down.

josh put his mouth over tylers tip and sucks lightly, dipping his tongue in the slit frequently.

tyler pushes his hips upward and forces josh to take him deeper in his mouth.

josh hums around tylers dick and uses his free hand to take tylers balls and massage them.

he moves up and down on tylers dick and he feels tyler twitch in his mouth, immediately stopping and pulling off.

tyler groans at the loss but opens his eyes to see josh removing his own pants.

josh leans down and licks a stripe to his asshole.

"yes, mmmm." tyler moans, fisting his hands in the sheets below him.

joshs tongues tyler and makes him nice and slick so he then leans back from the boy and sticks in his index finger, stretching tyler open. he sticks in another, scissoring him even wider.

after a while, josh pulls his fingers out and gets the lube from his bedside table, spreading it all over his cock and over tylers hole.

"you ready, baby boy?" josh asks.

"always for you- oh." tylers response turns into a moan as josh pushes himself into tyler.

josh takes his hands and lifts both of tylers legs and hooks them over his shoulders.

"i'm not going to be slow today. you being a brat this weekend didn't get you anywhere nice." and at that, josh furiously pushes in and out of tyler, leaving the smaller man writhing below him.

"h-harder." tyler moans loudly, as his hands pull on the sheets.

"so you like it rough, huh? what a fucking slut." josh mentions, but complies with tylers request nonetheless.

tyler moans outright at the dirty comment.

josh can feel the pit in his stomach grow bigger and stronger but he doesn't want to cum in tyler, so he waits for tylers orgasm to come around.

tylers moans get louder and louder and soon he's cumming all over his own stomach.

josh pulls out of tyler after he comes down from his high, and grabs a fistful of his hair and says, "suck."

tyler complies and sucks josh's cock, milking it with his ruby red lips.

"yes baby, right there." josh moans, throws his head back.

tyler deep throats josh until his nose is against joshs stomach and stays there for a while before coming back up and bobbing up and down.

"i'm- ah! i'm about to cum. swallow everything, okay?"

josh holds tylers hair in his hand, the heat in the pit of his stomach growing with each ticking secon-

"joshie! i'm home early!" a female voice calls from downstairs.

"shit fuck fuck fuck christ." josh pulls out of tylers mouth and motions him to go into the master bathroom.

"and lock the damn door for gods sake."

tyler complies, still naked, but he does it anyways.

josh quickly gets tylers clothes under the bed and gets a pair of sweatpants out of his closet and puts those on right it time to see debby at his door.


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