Chapter one

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I hide in the corner of the library hoping not to be seen, the entire school hates me, even the person I thought was my best friend. Teachers even think I am a slut. To be completely honest, I'm a virgin who has only ever had one boyfriend, but he ruined my life so now I get bullied, you know the usual.
I hear whistling as someone walks around the library, and I wonder who it could be, when suddenly I see her face.
"Aw, is the slut crying because she has no one to fuck? Maybe if you weren't so heartless you would still be able to get a fuck buddy. Though I have a horny little brother who would just love you, he is a year younger then you and has really low standards." Courtney laughs. I just ignore her and get on Facebook, even more friends requests, for the past year I have been getting so many friends requests, about a month ago I completely stopped declining them. I check my messages, most of them calling me a slut, a few of them are asking for sex.
I get up and just leave the library without even looking at Courtney, which doesn't please her.
"OI slut don't ignore me, come back here." She says just before she grabs my wrist, she pulls me to face her, then she gives me a black eye.
"That'll teach you to ignore me." She smirks before she skips over to Luke. I just watch them as Luke cradles her face in his soft hands, he places his lips on hers and tilts her back, one hand on the top her her back and one groping her arse.
Luke starts to walk over to me as Courtney rushes off with her friends.
"Oh my god is she good in bed, like that girl knows how to make a guy happy. Oh I'm so glad I have a girl like that, a girl that is always up for sex, we have done it here before, at school." He says standing next to me.
"What the fuck do you want?" I ask trying not to puke.
"I just wanted to say that this was all you fault." He looks over to where he was previously standing, but I just star into his emerald green eyes.
"So if I showed you my boobs this wouldn't have happened, well to late it has, and nothing will change that." I sigh.
"Well yeah, I can't stop it, but I can decrease the bullying a lot." He makes eye contact again. A flicker of hope enters my eyes, but soon leaves.
"Yeah but what will I need to do for you?" I look down at my feet before looking into his eyes again.
"Oh well you know, a few things of my choosing, some of which involves a bed." He raises an eyebrow suggestively before looking away again.
"Uh no, not in a billion years." I gag, he gives me a look as if to say "bad move" before he takes a huge step back.
"Oh my god what is wrong with you, I have a girlfriend who loves me and I love her beyond belief, of course I'm not going to fucking have sex with you, oh my god you are such a fucking slut." Luke yells and starts to make a scene, I turn to where he kept looking to see Courtney and her friends where making their way over here. Rolling my eyes I walk off, before I'm stopped by Courtney.
"Oh my god bitch, I can't fucking believe you would ask my boyfriend for sex, after what you did to him you have the nerve to ask him for sex." She screams as she pulls my hair. I ignore her but sh won't let me.
"Look at me when I talk to you, slut. If you even look at my boyfriend one more time, then I promise, you will be dead." She glares at me before throwing me to the ground, my head hit the concrete and everything goes black.

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