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After eight long hours on the road, listening to her father's horrible singing, her mother's complains on the heat and her brother's whines about anything, the Devon family finally made it to Los Angeles

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After eight long hours on the road, listening to her father's horrible singing, her mother's complains on the heat and her brother's whines about anything, the Devon family finally made it to Los Angeles. Driving through the streets the two siblings stuck their heads out of the car roof to see more of the city.

Kurt Devon parked the car, before turning to the backseats to talk to his kids. "All right. One thing you two must promise to me." The two nodded, "You better behave yourselves while we stay here, or they might kick us out." That said along with Courtney Devon's glare made the younger ones sit up straight and salute.

With a nod from their mother the two scrambled out of the car with their stuff in hand. They stopped, took in the sight of their new-- yet temporary-- home before grinning and running to the lobby.

The two stopped at the front desk, Jagger hitting the bell-- continuously. The manager came out, and annoyed scowl on his face. His name matched the face, though. Bitters. Jagger looked at his sister internally laughing at the name.

Just as he was about to yell or say something at them, their parents and another family with a blonde girl arrived. They conversed with Bitters before recieving their key cards.

Meanwhile, at the Palm Woods pool, the four boys from Minnesota were trying to find a solution to their problem. Carlos had just fallen in the pool.

"Why can't there be a nice, sweet... nice girl at the Palm Woods?" Kendall asked sitting on one of the sunbeds, Logan and James following.

"Somebody not crazy or stuck up. That's still really hot." James added, removing his sunglasses.

"From... North Carolina," Logan said.

"Or San Francisco," said James.

Just then Mr. Bitters eneterd the pool area, two families in tow, capturing the boys' attention. "Well, it's not North Carolina or San Francisco," three heads snapped in his direction, "But I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here. Let me show you your apartments."

The parents went first, one brunet man and a couple, followed by their kids. First, came the pretty blonde, who waved at the boys, "Hi." The dogs waved back awestruck.

Next came a younger blond, this time a boy, and a taller ravenette. The two were laughing at the older one, who had just tripped and spilled the milkshake a girl-- from a group of three-- held, on her dress. The girl's laugh captured James' attention more than the simple presence of the blonde.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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