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"He dyed his hair the other day," Tyler tells his mom.
They're sitting on the steps outside, watching the wind blow through the trees in their backyard. It sounds like a cool pillow on Tyler's skin, and he smiles.

"What color?" his mom asks.

"Blue. Bright blue," Tyler says, grinning a little to himself. "It was red for a while before, actually."

"That's neat, Tyler," his mom says, still looking rather uncomfortable.

"He has these really dark brown eyes," Tyler says, choosing to ignore his mother's discomfort. "Coffee eyes. That kind with coffee and hot chocolate. What's that called again?"

"Mocha," his mom supplies.

"Mocha eyes," Tyler says, nodding.

"Tyler," his mom says, biting her lip, "Who is Josh to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is he your friend?" his mom asks. "Boyfriend?"

Tyler splutters a little. "What? No!"

"It's... y'know, okay if you want a boyfriend," Tyler's mom says. "Just so you know."

"Great," Tyler says, still wide-eyed. "What brought that on?"

"You always have this goofy look on when you talk about him, Tyler," his mom tells him.

"Yeah, but that automatically made you think I'm gay?"

"Well," his mom shrugs, "you've never seemed very straight, Tyler."

Tyler blinks. "Thanks, Mom."

"It wasn't an insult!" his mom begins to protest, but pauses when she sees Tyler laughing.

"I'm gay," Tyler assures her once he's done giggling. "I just never expected you to notice."

"I do occasionally notice something about you, Tyler," his mom tells him.

Tyler immediately sobers. He frowns, and his mom sighs, carefully taking his hand.

"I'm sorry, Tyler," she tells him. "I know that an apology won't fix anything, that it won't change anything, but I am still so sorry."

"Why-" Tyler swallows hard, "why didn't you believe me?"

"I-" His mom sighs. "Dr. Craig seemed very professional, Tyler. He was supposed to be top of the line. And he was very smooth, very reassuring that there was absolutely no misconduct." She sighs again, squeezing Tyler's hand gently. "I regret not listening to you more than anything, Tyler."

"Don't we all," Tyler mutters. "Don't we all."

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