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It's Halloween night and all through the house, not a whisper or moan or even a sound.

He comes with a warning, three simple rules, if you enter his home then you're simply a fool.

The rules are quite simple yet hard to follow,

Do not stare into his eyes.

Do not touch him.

Do not tell him your name.

Ding, dong, the hunting hour.

May the dark be your guidance to safety.

And may your naivety be the reason for your tragic death.

//London 1850//

They came in the night, their torches burning bright. He was asleep in his bed, he was unaware of the danger. A harsh tap echoed through the old house and the man woke up sleepily, confusion flooding his senses. He wondered why someone would show up at his house at such a silly hour.

"Harry styles!" He heard someone yell, his hearing was far too advanced to be classed as a humans. "We know you're in there open up!" In a startled mess, Harry jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of trousers. His top being pulled over his head seconds later before he stumbled down the stairs.

The taps grew louder and Harry became more aware that there was more then one person behind the door. He quickly pulled the curtains back and gasped at the sight. Fire and pitchforks greeted him. Hundreds of angry men and women stood together.

Harry turned the lock and opened the door, the barrier between the growing crowd and him no longer shielding him. "Harry Styles?" The old and slightly dirty man in front of him questioned rhetorically, he knew it was him. He was playing around.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?" He responded back politely, he folded his arms over his chest and glanced around the crowd. "We've heard a rumour that you ain't human." The mans thick London accent twinkled through his lips and Harry frowned.

"Human? Sir I can assure you that I am human, my heart beats and air fills my lungs. Would that be a sign that I am human?" The man before him thought for a brief moment, he was gullible and quite stupid.

"Well yes-" the man was cut off by a well shaven man stepping forward, his Italian leather boots scrunching against the ground. "Oh please Gilbert, do not tell me that you believe him." Gilbert's eyes flickered, humiliation flooding through him as he realised he had believed the words of a beast.

"No sir I-" the man held his hand up. His dark eyes sparkling with amusement. "Enough." He barked lowly.

"Mr Styles are you human or are you not?" Harry instantly denied the claim that he wasn't human. "Bring her forward." Two scruffy looking men hurled forward a struggling female who stared into Harry's eyes. "I'm sorry," she mouthed.

"Miss Jane here came to us today claiming that you were in fact a wolf. Are you insinuating that she is lying?" Harry stared into Janes eyes, his eyes filling with betrayal. He thought he could trust her but clearly he couldn't.  As much as he hated to admit it, he was in love with her and he would never want any harm to come to her even if she did betray him.

"No," Harry said through gritted teeth. "She's telling the truth, I am a wolf." The man laughed cockily, his back facing Harry as he stared at the crowd victoriously.

"Alas! The rumours are true then! The notorious Harry styles is in fact a wolf. Tell me Styles, is your bark worse then your bite?"

Panic filled Harry as men advanced towards him with silver chains, he glanced around anxiously for an exit. The crowd around him walked forward so all available exits were blocked. He was shoved to the ground roughly, his cheek grazing the cobbled floor before his hands were forcefully placed behind his back. He hissed as the silver chains burnt through his skin. His hair being tugged as he was manoeuvred into a kneeling position.

"Jane dear, would you like to tell Harry your secret or should I?" Tears trickled down Janes cheeks as she was pushed forward, her hands darting out to soften her fall. Jane shook her head hurriedly. Her eyes staring into Harry's deeply as she begged him for forgiveness.

"Silence!" The man yelled, his hand tugging on Janes hair, a knife stroking her neck gently.

"Jane here, was never in love with you. She used you, we knew something was wrong with you and we wanted to find out your little secret so we sent Jane here to do our dirty work. " Harry shook his head. He didn't want to hear the rest of it. "We wanted you to feel attraction towards her, we wanted you to trust her and you did didn't you? You told her your secret and she told us straight away." Harry glared at Jane, her chest tightening as she noticed how the soft look around his eyes hardened and his green eyes burnt with fury and betrayal.

"Harry," she cried, her body struggling as she attempted to reach out to him. She was tugged away and the knife dug into her neck. "I do love you, I didn't want to tell them, I promise I didn't. They threatened to kill Eddie and to stop my mums treatment. I had too baby." Harry's eyes clouded with tears as he listened to her words intently.

Her words did nothing to ease the betrayal and hatred that was burning through him. Instead, the intense feeling multiplied. "Aw, isn't that sweet? They love each other." The crowd laughed mockingly and Janes cries grew louder.

"Kill her." Jane screamed as she was yanked away from Harry, the sentimental moment between the two came  crashing down as she was lifted by two men and tied to a tree besides Harry's home. "No!" Harry screamed as he tugged frantically against his restraints, his skin aching even more as he did so. He was weak, the silver chains had made him weak, he knew deep down he'd never be able to save her but he had to try.

Her screams filled the night until it all became quiet.

Harry had failed to save her.

She was dead.


Let me know what you guys think!

Cover by changetherollingtide  her work is amazing and I strongly recommend that you check her out, she's super sweet too!

-Selena x

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