Chapter One

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"The forest surrounding Harry Style's vacant home remained in tact throughout the years, it was like it was stuck in time. Doomed to live a restless slumber. The villagers of Airedale believed that they had committed an act of God, the night they rid the world of Harry Styles, a werewolf. But they were wrong, a curse was born that night. Harry Styles prayer had been answered by a witch, she granted him immortality and revenge. It is said, that to this day Harry Styles roams the forest waiting for his chance of revenge."

I looked around the camp and frowned, the young campers huddled together and I looked towards the camp leader. "That doesn't make any sense." I say loudly. The campers including my best friend look at me in shock. I roll my eyes at their stupidity and look back at the leader. "Why do you think that Bella?"

"How can he get revenge if he's not allowed to leave the forest?"

The leader smiles, it's a smiling of understanding and she briefly looks down at the dying flames. "Fate has a funny way of working out for someone Bella, just because Harry can't leave the forest it doesn't mean someone can't enter it. Now come on my little chipmunks, time for bed."

"But Mrs Marple, we're not even tired!"

"Now none of that. You've had your fun for the night, now off to bed! Bella a word please."

Everyone stands up and collects their things, I remain behind. I look back at Cindy my best friend and she hesitantly walks off. Mrs Marple shifts on the log and looks at me. "Bella you're incredibly closed minded for a six year old your age and as good as that is, it is also a bad thing. One day the way you think may get you in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"The children here rely on imagination and fairy tales, if you take that away from them then they are left with reality. The story about Harry Styles is a tragedy, one that has been watered down over the years. He was just like you, he only listened to what he thought was right, the stories about him being a werewolf is true and I know that you are a believer but these children. They will forget all the gruesome details surrounding his tale and when they are older they will be curious about the legend surrounding the forest and they'll investigate. You will need to be the one to prevent that curiosity."

"How can I do that?" I asked, my body leaning forward.

"By being yourself."



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