Chapter 20

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"This is a pretty big room." Javi said as soon as she and Jack were alone.

"I thought that we would want as much space as possible." He said and Javi nodded.

"Good thinking." She said, turning and glancing at the large bed in the back. She walked over and stared for a second before turning back to say something to Jack, but it was as if he read her mind.

"I'll sleep on floor. Don't worry." He said, without even looking over at her. Javi frowned.

"No, that's fine. I'll sleep on the floor- I don't mind." She said with a sigh, tossing her purse aside and sitting down to take off the shoes

"No, Like I said. I'll take the floor." He insisted. Javi looked up and noticed he was standing right over her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because You're a woman. I'm a man- accept the chivalry." Jack said coldly.

"As what? Some forced misogynist idea that women need to be helped? I get it when we're in public but, not thank you in private. I don't need you to save me from the floor-I'm a woman but i can survive the floor." Javi responded.

"This is so ridiculous. Have you ever heard of being nice?" He said.

"Of course, That's what I'm doing. Accept it." She replied.

"I'm not sleeping on the bed while a woman sleeps on the floor." He said, turning and walking away agnrily.

"Well, I'm not sleeping on the bed while another person sleeps on the floor, regardless of gender." Javi said.

Jack turned to look at her for a second... his face denoting his anger.

"Fine- then we both sleep on the floor." Jack said.

"Fine!" Javi yelled back dramatically, turning back to what she was doing before.

"Listen, I'm going to shower- please stay out of trouble while I'm in there." He said, putting his fingers to his nose.

"Yes, sir." Javi said, walking around the room and making sure everything was completely sealed and shut. Jack had already done this but as this was her first job, she was more than a little paranoid.

It was much later when Jack finally walked back into the room, toweling off his hair but Javi didn't seem to notice.

She was concentrating, eyes closed, her back towards him and arms stretched as she leaned forward into warrior two on a yoga mat. Jack watched for a second, noting how perfect her pose was and how her breathes came in and out evenly, softly- her lips were only slightly parted.

She wore a pair of yoga shorts and a sports bra, simple and light. He'd warned her against bringing anything that might come off as suspicious but he supposed for a woman to have a small mat wasn't so bad. Still it wasn't the mat he was staring at but the perfect lines of her extended body and every muscle visible on it. Her legs looked even longer as they were lunged and her stomach was just slightly arched, forming a small curve at her back.

Then she moved, inhaling deeply and moving to warrior one. He couldn't help it- his breathe was caught at his throat. The clothes she wore did nothing to hide how beautifully she was built- and even though he knew she threw a brick punch, right now he could only think about how soft her skin looked.

"Do you like yoga?" She asked, moving from her position and shaking her wrists out.

Was she aware he'd been watching her?

"I've never tried it but I admire people who do it well." He said, thinking of some of the sloppier "yogies" he'd seen.

"It's not really my thing either." She said, moving towards her water bottle.

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