Chapter 10

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As Pride could have predicted, his date had been a disaster.  Oh, she was nice enough, but Pride had a nagging feeling that he was doing something wrong. The poor woman was halfway through a story about her lame ex, when he realized he felt guilty as if he was cheating on Rachel.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I forgot I need to do something." He threw some bills on the table. "Nice again to meet you Rachel." He kissed her quickly out of obligation and left.

The dazed woman didn't know what to say except, "OK...but it's Renee."

He went back to the bar and busied himself until 10:30 when he gave the reins over to Buckley and scooted over to Rachel's house. He knew the address from the background check they had done on her.

For the past hour or so, he had been waiting across the street and down the block. He felt somewhat guilty for stalking her like a suspect, but he had to see her that night before he lost his nerve.

At about 12:15 am, her car entered the driveway; the house lights went on after a few minutes.

A short time later he was poised at her door. Like many old homes in New Orleans, Rachel's was narrow and long, with two front doors and ceiling-to-floor front windows. Usually the left was the "real" front door, so he knocked. Knowing she might not respond, he called out, "Rachel, it's Dwayne Pride."

A minute or so later, she opened the door. She was still wearing her scrubs and ID tag, but had taken off her shoes.

"Pride! Didn't expect to see you tonight," she sounded genuinely surprised.

"I, ah, need to pick up my umbrella," he said.

"Really?" She was half-amused and half-incredulous. "OK. I just got home from work," she said leading him in. The front of the house was open with living and dining areas and kitchen. The bedrooms and baths were behind.

She stopped in front of the kitchen island. "So that must be one special umbrella," she said.

"Family heirloom," he said distracted. "But, I'm also looking for something else."

"What?" she asked puzzled.

"Lightning." He gently drew her face to his. This kiss was definitely an improvement on the previous one he had earlier in the evening. That one had been perfunctory at best. This was a sweet and tender experience he didn't want to end.

"Find it?" she gasped when they parted lips.

"Getting warm," he murmured as he reached down and put her face in his hands and started to kiss her deeper. She stretched up to put her arms around his neck. Oh yeah, this was good.

Still, she was at least eight inches shorter, so Pride lifted her up deftly and sat her down on the island. Now, they were face to face. They began to kiss again, with hungry tongues. He pressed her flatter on the surface. They broke and she uttered breathlessly, "Cccouch, couch, I have a couch...," as she pointed weakly to the left.

Pride smiled, "Good idea." He lifted her off and they began kissing again as they backed up to a chaise that was at the end of the sectional, about five feet away. They fell in a heap, he began kissing her neck and caressing her softly.

He turned to get underneath her. She lay her head on his chest. "So, I take it your date didn't go well," she said.

Pride chuckled softly as he stroked her hair. "There was a problem."

"What was that?"

"I couldn't stop thinking of my ... umbrella." Then, he began the soft, tender kisses that turned into hot, explorations of each other's mouths.

She wanted to tell him to go  -- that she didn't want him on the rebound -- but he was so delicious and it had been so long since she had been kissed like this.

As she settled back in his arms, she looked up at him quizzically, "Is that umbrella really a family heirloom?"

"Could be, I just grabbed it out of lost and found," he said. She laughed and they kissed.

He looked at her. "Are you working tomorrow?"

"I'm all yours, darlin'," she answered.

The talking stopped for a very long time.


Pride woke to ungodly high-pitched shrieks of children's laughter. He and Rachel were lying on top of her bed and he was relieved to find that he was not naked, but down to his boxers and t-shirt. Rachel was snuggled on his chest; she had on a tank top and and pajama shorts. Before he could recall more, two small children, a girl about four in a navy blue sailor dress and a boy about two in a matching short set, tore through the door.

The girl began to shake Rachel vigorously. "Memaw! Memaw! Wake up!"

Rachel squinted as she woke up. "Hey, what are you kids doing here?"

"It's Sunday Memaw. We're goin' to church!" the little girl said. She immediately turned to Pride.

"Who are you?" She said, putting her hands behind her back and looking at the ground.

Rachel took one look at her grandchildren and one at Pride. She drew a deep breath. "Janey, This is Mr. Pride. He's my... very good friend."

Never having been in a situation like this, Pride gave the child a lopsided smile. "Hi, Janey."

The little girl stared at Pride, then ran out of the room shouting, "Mama, Memaw had a sleepover!"

"Shit, I forgot they were picking me up today," Rachel aid. "See the effect you have on me?" She kissed him and he returned the favor, putting his arm around her waist.

"Ahem!" Standing at the foot of the bed was a very pregnant and very pissed-off young African-American woman wearing a bright pink maternity dress with a large bow at the midriff.

"Having a man in your bed on a Sunday with your grandchildren here! It's a good thing Junior's waiting in the car, he would have a conniption!" she said, her hands firmly on her hips.

"Well, technically, we're on the bed," Rachel said. "Claudia, this is NCIS Special Agent Dwayne Pride. Dwayne, this is my daughter-in-law Claudia."

Pride stumbled to his feet. Having no words, he smiled weakly and held out his hand. Claudia crossed her arms over her belly.

"The one who almost got you killed? I suppose he's here on some sort of special protection detail..." she crossed her arms. Again, Pride was speechless. His mama never prepared him for such a situation.

"Not that it's any of your business, but, we were watching a movie on TV last night and just fell asleep," Rachel said in a semi-lie. They had fallen asleep on the bed, but there was no TV watching. They had alternately made out like teenagers at a drive-in and talked until 4 am. She just prayed there were no telltale marks on her neck.

"Hmph!" Claudia left the room, slamming the door.

"Oops," he said. "Sorry about that."

"I can skip this week," Rachel said getting up on her knees and facing him.

"I wouldn't want to be responsible for you going to hell." he said with a grin, gently stroking her arm.

"Oh, I'm afraid that ship has sailed," she smiled back. They began to kiss again.

"Are you coming Mother Rachel?" Claudia said through the door.

They broke with a sigh at the interruption.

"Be right out," Rachel called back. She turned to Pride. "It's the hormones," she sighed. "She really is a lovely girl." She began to get up. "Don't you move now-I'll be right back. Believe me, the Lord will understand."

Pride couldn't keep from smiling ear to ear.


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