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I continued staring at the guy, Jeon Jungkook. He stared back at me and then sighed deeply.

"Hey, I know I'm hot but can you just bring me to my classroom??" He spoke and pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

A suit... He was wearing a suit instead of the school uniform.

"Yah, tea girl! Bring me to my class!" He yelled and got off the stairs.

There are a few inches between us now. Why can't I talk? What's wrong with me? I coughed and opened the door that lead to the cafeteria.

Without hestitating I walked in and greeted the cafeteria lady. She smiled at me. I heard Jungkook walking behind me. I hopped to the counter and smiled back at her.

"Welcome Dina-ah! How can I help you?"  She asked politely.

"Chocolate milk, please!" I exitedly said and pointed at the white bottles behind the counter.

"I'm sorry, we only have strawberry milk left..." She mumbled sadly.

"Then I'll have strawberry milk!" I beamed.

The canteen lady gave me one of the white bottles and I lended her the money.

"Shall I buy you a bottle too?" I asked Jungkook and looked at his face. He looked bored and angry.

"No"  He harshly hissed. Tsk... the asshole doesn't even like strawberry milk. I shrugged and put my straw in my bottle while walking out of the canteen.

"I'll bring you to your class, follow me" I fumed and started walking up the stairs.

I heard his footsteps behind me. Only if he dares to look up my skirt...

"Here it is, bonne chance" I mumbled and dropped my head when I realized I spoke French.

Stupid Dina, fucking imbecile! Ah! You don't live in France anymore!

"Ah, tu parle français?" Jeongguk said with a fluent accent.

My eyes widened and I stared at his smirk. What does this kid think he is?

"Oui je parle français, maintenant rentre en classe." I replied as I pointed at the door, over my shoulder, with my thumb.

Jungkook stared at me and then I walked away, leaving the rich asshole in front of his classroom.

what have i done, oh lord.. i ship this too much.

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