Chapter 1 : The two bodys

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I woke up to the sound of two voices talking

"hey what we gon do bout him? he's knocked out cold like a bitch, Lexi help me out here." says a squeaky voice in a near distance trying to be quiet.

"don't you drag me into this pear i only showed up cos you dragged me now we are stuck here with this weird guy who's probably gonna kill us." screams this so called Lexi in a booming voice.

I get up from the kitchen floor and head over to the living room. From there i see the jiggly looking dinosaur and the elf girl sitting on my couch and talking to each other still screaming and trying to be quiet.

"hey you guys, hello i'm right here also i am not gonna kill you if you don't explain who are you and what the fuck you doing here" i yelled turning red faster than speed of light.

they both stood up and looked at each other scared as if they seen a ghost

"my name is Lexi sir and her names Peach we both are from the imagination world and we ended up here because of her."say Lexi pointing at the fairy now known as Peach

"me? flipping me? your the one who wanted to explore the different realms and when i finally agreed you tried to butt out." screams Peach looking angry at Lexi.

i looked at them even angrier and yelled at them "guys chill ok? fucking chill i don't care who ever's fault it is i just want you to go back to your imagination whatever world."

they both stop fighting and look at me with a strange face and Lexi sighs

"we would but ummm we can't the thing is you see Peach ran out of magic to go back so we are currently stuck here." says Lexi frightened

I look at them again a bit mad but slowly cooling down I head over to them, ask them to sit and with me and of course the two frightened creatures obeys me.

I sighed and spoke calmly "ok so you guys can't go back right?"

they nod their heads

I thought for a minute and suddenly blurted something out "is there any other way to restore the magic or something maybe a portal?"

"well no but the only choice we have is either me and you reproduce or me and Lexi have to wait for some help to arrive" Peach replies winking at me.


I look around surprised and scared at the same time, i hide behind Lexi and roars "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT HOLY SHIT WE HAVE A GHOST IN THIS HOUSE?

Lexi started hugging me and Peach hid under my coffee table. All of us were screaming as if we got anal probed, then again we hear the voice

Guys chill i'm the narrator of this story and no you and peach will not r e p r o d u c e understand? maybe in vol 2 but not in this one

we all stop screaming and finally relax, i looked over to Peach. she looked away from me grunting and mumbling

I get up from the couch and exclaimed "boy was that weird and Peach why are you mad at me it's not my fault"

Lexi starts to laugh uncontrollably

I looked over at Lexi and gives him the death stare which mad him stop

"well its ok since vol 2 will be out quick right?" Peach chuckles

I looked at the person reading this and points at them "you guys make sure the writer releases vol 2 alright?"

Peach leans in and asks "whats your name anyways?"

I moved away a bit and spoke "my names Max and are you a elf? cos your actually human size"

"yes i am a elf but i'm taller since my father was human, and so will my child's father be human" giggles Peach giving me a flirty look

"ok you two love birds knock it off and Peach we better get going if we wanna find shelter" speaks Lexi in a higher voice

I frown and tells them that they can stay here

"really?" exclaimed Peach hugging me and burying my face in her boobs

"well then this will be fun" sighed Lexi

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