Chapter 21

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*(Y/n)'s P.O.V*
We started back into the forest and searched for a safe hiding spot to work out the plans.
"Over here!"
He whispered and pointed to a tall thick tree. I nodded and climbed up, sitting on a branch. He sat next to me and gently held my hand. I smiled and slightly swung my legs.
"We'll split go west towards the Queen of Heart's Castle, while I south for the search of Tink. The Pixie Hollow tree is north, so if what you said was correct, then she'll go the opposite way down south to get away from friends and family...."
I suggested. Peter nodded and kissed my cheek.
"If anything happens just scream, I'll--"
I giggled and shook my head.
"I'll be fine!"
I said with a lightly chuckle. He smiled and rolled his eyes.
"I know you can defend yourself, but if you get attacked by a group.....that's the end of the line."
I sighed and nodded.
"I know... Just do t worry so much! I'll get through to Tink and I'll come back....promise~"
He tightened his lips. He sighed and nodded.
He said plainly. I smiled and hugged him.
"I'll try not to be long, okay?"
He hugged back and nodded while burring his face in my neck.
He started while pulling from the hug.
"I'll go west while you go south.."
He recapped. I nodded and hopped down. He followed and cupped my face. I looked into his forest green eyes and smiled.
"I love you...."
He whispered. I slightly giggle and nodded.
"I love you too~"
He smiled and pecked my lips. I smiled brightly and hugged him once more. He hugged back. Soon we parted ways. I ran through the woods down south. As I was running I heard echoing giggles. I stopped, slightly sliding. I panted as I looked around.
"Who's there?"
I said slightly out of breath. Suddenly a girl came into view.

 Suddenly a girl came into view

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She held a decorative dagger. My eyes slightly widen at her black wings. They almost seemed demonic on her. I take a small step back.
"Who are you?"
She slightly glared at me.
"The names Knightly....who are you?"
I bit my lip.
She slightly nodded. She put the dagger away and gave a small smile.
"What brings a girl like you in the Dark Forest?"
I slightly looked around at the dark colored trees. I shook my head.
"Just passing through...not really staying. I'm trying to find someone."
She nodded and looked at my pirate-like clothing.
"Well you mustn't be from around here!"
She giggled lightly. I followed her actions.
"Y-yea...I come from I said before I'm just passing through to look for someone.."
She bit her lip.
"Well, you're lucky I'm a nice person! We usually don't find normal people roaming Wonderland anymore...everything's changed now.."
She slightly looked down. I smiled and nodded.
"Yea...I'm looking for Tink, Tinker Bell?"
I said hoping she knew who and where she was. He face slightly lit up.
"I know her! I just passed her little cabin! I can take you there, it's just a little ways past the Dark Forest!"
She pointed in the distance. I smiled brightly and nodded.
"Yes! Thank you!"
She nodded happily and gestures me to follow. I agree and follow her out of the Dark Forest. Once we make it out, we come across (a yellow brick road! No? Okay...)an opening that led to a small cobble path. She nodded towards that direction.
"Again, thanks for helping me! It means a lot!"
She giggled.
"Anything for a friend!"
I smiled and slightly blushed at the (small/ barely) compliment. Suddenly she gasped and pulled me down behind some bushes. I slightly gasp and look at her.
"What's wrong?"
I whisper. She bit her lip and looked at me.
"Guards...from the Queen of Heart's castle....Tink is wanted right now.."
I looked at her furrowed my eyebrows.
"What?! Why?!"
I whisper quietly. She sighed and peeked over the bush. She then ducked as they passed by.
"She murdered Hatter. The queen wanted him alive for some project..she's wanted for murder and destruction of the queen's plans."
I widen my eyes as she whispered back the horrible news.
"Why is Wonderland so....twisted now?"
I looked down. She gave a sympathetic smile.
"Hatter was the inspiration....even as mad as he is, he made this place sane...he made it work."
I looked at her.
"You knew him?"
She then blushed.
"Y-yea..he was my best friend...I....I loved him."
She let a tear escape down her cheek. I pulled her into a hug.
She hugged me back and then slowly pulled away.
"T-thanks...even though people thought he was so mad and completely crazy, I saw the sane side of him. He let me and only me in..."
She sniffed as another tear fell.
"I didn't even he to say goodbye..."
I wiped her tear away.
"Once we find Tink, I'll help you find a way to at least say goodbye... Okay?"
She looked at me confused.
I smiled.
"I know a certain someone who's very close to magic."
Her eyes lit up.
"So you're saying it's possible?! I could really see him again??"
She exclaimed, hugging me again. I giggled and nodded.
"Yea but there's always a price to pay with have to be willing to give up anything..."
She slightly looked down.
"As long as I'm able to see or at least talk to him again..."
I nodded an pulled her up, for the guards have fully left the area.
"Let's go find us a fairy!"
She nodded and started taking lead again. We finally made it to a hidden door in the side of a giant tree trunk. She knocked on it and whispered through the door.
"It's Knightly and (Y/n)~"
The door clicked.
(A/N 1002 words!! Obviously not counting the authors note! Thanks so much for being patient! I'm happy and proud to say we are close to making 10k reads on this! Currently I think it's 9.66k? Idk but I'm so grateful that it came this far!!! If you guys want me to continue, just vote  for the chapters and maybe even leave a suggestion or thought about next chapter in the comments! My goal is to make each chapter at least 1000 words. Last chapter was 2000+ words just because it was the chapter where I came back from writers block and I wanted you guys to get some good reading with this story! If you've made it this far in the authors note, my god! 😂 thanks so much for reading and hope to see you around for future chapters! Make sure to check my other stories too! Bye my little frostbites!!!!)

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