(16) Boom

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(16) Boom

The door burst open, almost like it was blown up. Before we knew it, vampires flooded in the room. They all looked like some kind of FBI by the way they entered from all parts of the house. Some ran down the stairs, some came through the hall, and several came through the windows. There were at least twenty surrounding us. All of them wore black jeans and long sleeved black shirts. It was so crowded in the room that all I could see was a sea of black.

One of the men stepped forward. "Joanna Foster, we have been sent by—"  

"Stop the introductions. I'm not going with you," Joanna snapped.

"We've been given orders to take you to him. We're not leaving without you."

Xavier subtly began to move in front of me, practically shoving me into the corner of the room. I had to peek around him arm to be able to see what was going on.

"He can't have me," Joanna said so quietly that it was practically a whisper.

And then she staked him.

I've only witnessed a vampire's true death once or twice. Yet I was still stunned as I watched the vampire age before my eyes and suddenly crumble to dust. One second he's talking, the next everyone has his ashes on our shoes. Joanna didn't even watch. She had her fist colliding with another vampire just as the first one's ashes were settling on the ground. All of them came at her at once. But not just her.

They came at us.

Five charged at Liam, managing to get a few punches in before he did. His fighting skills were much different from Joanna's and Xavier's. His weren't as fast or nearly as graceful. He used strength as his main fighting skill, punching right through the chest of one vampire as four of them came at him. I couldn't even watch the fight because suddenly seven came at Xavier. Yes, seven. It was obvious they knew who he was and what he was capable of. He didn't even seem worried. He ripped one's heart out, threw it at another, and launched one across the room before the others had even reached him. The way he moved was absolutely amazing. I was in awe. His fighting was almost like a dance. He knew their move before even they did.

I looked over at Joanna, noticing that her moves were just as amazing as his, if that's even possible. She's a human, yet she can fight better than my creator? How is that so? She dusted five just as ten more came in through the windows and began punching her. The pain didn't even affect her as she immediately blocked their moves and came at them with her own. She used her stake and staked another, making dust fill the room. It was becoming difficult to see with all of the dust and blood in the air. Xavier's technique was a lot less clean than hers. He ripped throats, hearts, and limbs off, causing blood to spray everywhere.

Suddenly, he was thrown across the room by one of the men. I stood there, startled by the men now coming at me. Xavier was swarmed by several across the room while Joanna was facing her own problems with the other men. Liam, to my astonishment, was knocked out. He was actually face-down on the ground. I couldn't believe it.

"Lucile Moore, I presume?" one of the men in front of me said.

Instinct kicked in. Usually when I got that whole fight or flight feeling, I chose flight. Xavier was always there for me and always told me to run. But now? He was across the room facing half a dozen trained fighters. I had to choose fight. I had no choice. My legs locked into the exact position Xavier had once trained me to stand. Unfortunately, he never trained me past the standing position.

A fist came at me so quickly that I didn't see it coming. It collided with my right cheek, nearly causing me to stumble. Out of pure luck, I took a blind swing and punched the man so hard that it sent him flying across the room. Thank you, vampire strength. I was about to face another when something caused me to freeze.

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