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     I rolled over and saw her sleeping face. So peaceful. Not happy, but not sad. Just peaceful.
     I smiled to myself and rolled the other way. Looking at my watch, it was one of the few things that kept me sane; Being aware of the date and time.
     7:43 am, Thursday, November 27, 2023. After studying the watch I snap it on my wrist and sit up.
     I stare blankly at my apartment window, wishing for the millionth time that I was back at home in America. I knew that it was probably over run and partly destroyed, if not completely destroyed. But I still wanted to be back. No matter the state of destruction it was in.
     I can't see outside, but I'm too tired to care. It's dark inside, it's dark outside, the world seems depressed. It was the way days seemed all the time now. I reach back and place my hand on her ribs, feeling every little breath she breathes in and out. It comforts me in some strange way, knowing that I have a companion that will stand by me no matter how bad things get. I know that marrying her was the best decision I ever made. Even if it was 3 weeks ago and there was no one to witness it. After all, it's the thought that counts.
     I remove my hand and stand up, she cracks her eyes open.
"What are you doing up so early?" She complained, it was, after all what she did best.
"I'm just gonna get some water, I'll be back" I explain.
     Her chestnut brown eyes shut once again, and she rolls over the other way. I lean over my side of the bed on to her and lightly kiss her forehead, I can feel her smile, and I'm sure she felt me return one back. I pick myself back up and walk around the bed. My feet feel cold against the tile.
      But what should I expect? The world was caught in the middle of a nuclear winter after all. I open the door of our closet and I can feel her staring my bare back, "go back to sleep" I say.
"Shut up." She replies, I force my body around to look at her. She closes her eyes and grins. She's lucky she's cute, I think to myself, turning around with a smile on my face.
     I slide my feet into my socks. Not like they'd do much of a difference, if only I was smart. I would've slept with them on.
     As if on cue, I hear glass smash in the living room. A window. The only logical explanation, the door didn't have Windows, and we didn't have any glass in there aside from dishes in the kitchen, but how could they break? They couldn't. Not on their own.
     I froze. Not because I chose to, but because fear had taken over my body, and I couldn't make a move. My mind begins racing. It had to be a rotter, they broke in the windows and are in the house. Or worse, a scavenger. Either way we had to get out. Fast.
     I turn and look at the bed. She's staring at me wide eyed, full of fear. "Clyde, what was that?" She stammered. I crouched and slowly pulled my right index finger up to my lips and motioned for her to come to me with my other hand. She cautiously removed the covers from her naked body and rolled off the bed, slithering into the closet with me. I reached up and pulled a robe off its hanger, tossing it on her.
     I shut the door once she was in the closet. Without speaking a word, she tightened the robe around herself. And I stood up, feeling my way towards the back of the closet. Once there I feel around the top of the safe that I had since we had first moved into the apartment. I grab the lighter. When disaster had struck I strategically put it there along with some matches in case of situation like this were to happen. I considered it insurance, since there was no chance that the closet light would go on. Just another great affect the war had on the world. When the bombs dropped, so did the power grids.
    I flick the lighter on and it immediately lights up the closet, making the dial visible. I attempt to steady my hand, and reach for the dial. Relax, I tell myself. I know that she's only as calm as I am. I hear heavy breathing, and I'm about to tell her to calm down. But then I realize it's me. The room goes dark, I attempt to reignite the lighter. My hands are slipping from the wheel, they're too sweaty. I toss it at her. "Come here," I whisper "hold it to the dial." She gets up and comes to me, doing as she's told.
     23-7, I hear rustling outside of the door. I take a deep breath. 10. I hear the lock click. And the door releases. I yank it open. Inside a single .454 caliber revolver. One of the many things I brought with me on business trips. The lighter goes out once again. "Sit down and don't move" I tell her.
    I reach into the safe and pull out the revolver. I begin to walk towards the door, she reignites the lighter. One step, and she grabs my ankle, I look down at her. She's flushed, sweating, and visibly worried.
"Please don't go out there" her voice cracking. She's about to cry.
"Stay in here, stay quiet," I order "no matter what you hear, do not leave."
     She closes her eyes and nods. I kneel down in front of her, grabbing her face "no matter what, never forget how much I love you."
     I study her face and a single tear runs down her left cheek, joining the sweat above her lip. I kiss her forehead and stand up. Walking out the closet door, shutting it behind me.
     Back in the open world, I dive behind the bed, peaking over it. I see movement. Whatever it was, was in the room with me. I stand up, and look down the sights of the revolver. Immediately looking down the receiving end of the barrel was a slender-looking being, wearing a black hazmat suit.

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