Part 8

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As we are walking back to our house, we see a large black van pull into our street. As it gets closer to us, it slows down. "What is that?" Connor asks. "I don't know what that is. It looks like some kind of bus." Rhyan says. We started walking faster to get to our house and away from the creepy van. As we hurried past the van, the sliding door on the side opened and two people stepped out. They were dressed in all black clothing and they were wearing black masks that covered their faces. "Let's get out of here, guys!" I said to my siblings. "Agreed!" Rhyan said. We started walking to our house, faster than we were going before.

As soon as we started to walk quickly away, the people dressed in black came running after us. "Run!" I screamed when I saw them coming after us. They were rapidly approaching us and our house was very far away, still. Connor was running farther ahead than Rhyan, Maddie and I. One of the people that were chasing us was getting closer and closer to us every second. Suddenly, he grabbed on to me and pulled me back. "Help!" I screamed. "Callie!" Maddie screamed. Rhyan and Maddie stopped running to try to free me from the tight grasp of the man holding me. Connor kept running home, oblivious to the scene surrounding him. Instead of getting me out of the man's grasp, they managed to get themselves caught up, too.

We started to scream loudly to attract the attention of any passer bys. Someone walked out of a near by house. He was wearing a suit that was black. His tie was an odd shade of purple. We tried to scream louder to get his attention. When our captors saw him walk out his door and down his driveway, they clamped their hands forcefully over our mouths. As we struggled to get free from their confining holds, they pulled us in to the back of the black truck. When we realized where they were dragging us, we started to kick them and scream at them to let us go. Like before, this had no effect on our captors, and they continued to pull us into the back of the truck. I looked over at the man walking to his car. He seemed to have not even noticed that we were there.

After we were pulled into the back of the black truck, our captors roughly pushed us near the front of the truck. They sat down in front of the back doors, blocking any escape route. There were no windows in the truck, so the trailer was lit by an old light bulb, barely illuminating the silhouettes of the men who had kidnapped us. As I looked around, I noticed that there was a large couch covered by a white dusty cloth. It looked as if the couch had been in the truck for ten years. Parts of the sheet that was covering the couch were ripped. Through the rips I could see that the color of the couch was a faded yellow.

The men sitting near the door of the trailer suddenly stood up and walked over to us. As they approached, the light spread across their faces. Without their black ski masks, they looked like regular people, except for all of the long scars running across their faces. The closest one had a long scar from his right temple down to his chin. Both looked extremely angry. "What do you want from us?" I fearfully asked them. "You should already know that, young lady." He said in a low, harsh whisper. "Don't say anything, Callie. Keep quiet!" Maddie whispered. "Why?" I wanted to know. "Just don't, okay?" Rhyan said, quietly. "Fine!" I said. We walked slowly over to the old couch, while our kidnappers watched every move that we made.

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