What is on your door step?

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Liam and I were in our apartment watching a movie, waiting for our friends to get here so we could go out for our usual Friday night guy night. I heard a knock on the door, I yelled come in, thinking it was one of the guys. Nobody came in so I went to check who it was. I looked through the peep hole and saw nobody there. I went back over to the couch and sat down.
"Who was it?" Liam asked me.
"It had to have been somebody."
"Probably some little kid pulling a prank."
We went back to watching the movie when Zayn, Harry, and Louis burst into our apartment.
"Would one of you care to explain why there are 2 babies outside your apartment?" Louis shouted.
"WHAT?!?" Liam and I yelled at the same time. We jumped up and ran to the door. Sure enough there was 2 car seats right in front of our door. I saw a note sticking out of one of the seats so I grabbed it and it was addressed to me. Liam grabbed one of the car seats and Zayn grabbed the other. I opened the envelope and read what was written.

Dear Niall,
These are your daughters. Their names are Kathleen and Skylor. I have enclosed an adoption paper in this envelope for you to sign and a number for the adoption agencies to take the girls. I cannot raise them, but I couldn't abort them either. I have a family lined up already to take them, once you sign the papers. Their information is in packets inside their car seats, the adoption agency will need them.

"Novalee?" Zayn asked. "Who is Novalee?"
"Novalee was a girl I met around New Years, while we were in college. She was a year or two older than us and was visiting her cousin or sister. It was just one night and I could of sworn I used protection."
"So why don't you get a paternity test done tomorrow?" Liam offered. "And if they are not yours than the police can just take them to a foster home."
"And what if they are mine?" I asked him.
"Then you can sign the adoption papers if you want, and the adoption agency can take them."
"Well guys what do we do in the mean time?" Harry asked. "Because 1 of them is awake and looks like she is about to cry."
"I don't know. I have never had a baby before." I told them while watching as 1 of the girls wake up and her face start squinting. "Why do babies cry?"
"I will call Eleanor, she can help." Louis pulled out his phone. (Eleanor lives in the same building 2 floors up)
Ten minutes later their is another knock on the door and Eleanor walks in and immediately runs over to the now full blown crying baby.
"Does someone want to explain why there are 2 babies in this apartment?" Eleanor questions while digging in the bag that was left with girls. We told her everything we knew and she turned to me. "So let me get this straight. You are thinking about giving these little girls up for adoption?"
"I was thinking about it." I told her looking down. "What do I know about raising a baby, or two for that matter? And girls on top of that? The only experience I have had with babies is Theo and that was only for a couple of days. And he is no longer a baby anymore."
"You have the guys and you have me and Perrie to help you. And let me ask you a question. Do you think any first time parent in the world knows exactly what to do?" I shook my head no. "No. But they learned as they went and that is what you will do." She placed the baby in her car seats and grabbed a pen and some paper. "Now I need a couple of you to go the store and grab a few things." Zayn, Harry and I went to the store and bought the items on the list. When we arrived back at the apartment, Liam was awkwardly holding one of the babies and Eleanor was telling him to relax.
"What if I break it?" He asked her.
"You won't break her, but she won't eat unless you relax. She can tell you are tense."
"Why don't you just feed her?"
"Because I have to change Kathleen's diaper, unless you would rather change her diaper?"
"No. I will feed Skylor." He looked down at her. "Uncle Liam has got this. Don't I Skylor? No stinky diapers."
"We have the stuff on your list." I told Eleanor as I set the bags on the counter.
"Oh thank you." Eleanor finished changing Kathleen. "Well my mom called she wants Louis and I to have dinner at her house. And Zayn, Perrie knows that you and guys are not going out tonight, and wants you to go back home for a date night. Niall, Perrie said she would like to come over tomorrow and see the babies. She did not want to be in the way tonight. So it looks like it is just you 3. Harry, Niall and Liam will teach you how to change a diaper, feed, and burp a baby. That's the basics, so you should be fine for the night. I will be back bright and early in the morning to make sure you all survived."
This night should be fun.

Monday morning
This last weekend actually went better than Liam or I had anticipated, Harry left about an hour after Louis, Eleanor, and Zayn left. Perrie and Eleanor did come over on Saturday and spent the whole day helping me with the girls and playing the doting aunts. Sunday Eleanor, Perrie, and the other guys came over and I called my mom to let her know what was going on, she is excited. Liam and I dressed the girls and put them in the carriers and walked onto the elevators that already had someone in it. She was very pretty, but I have never seen her before, so she must be new here.
"Awe. Your babies are absolutely adorable. How old are they?" She asked looking down at Skylor who was being held by Liam. "You two are so lucky."
"Thank you." I told her. "But, they are just mine. They are about a month old. I am Niall by the way. And this is my roommate Liam. And these 2 are Kathleen and Skylor." I introduced us. "We live on the 6th floor, as you noticed."
"Oh I am so sorry. My name is Kimberly. I live on the 12th floor."
"The penthouse? That has been vacant for 2 years now. What do you do for a living?" Liam asked her, as we walked off the elevator.
"I am a detective. And I share it with my 2 roommates, we just moved in. A doctor and a lawyer."
"Speaking of doctor, we have an appointment to maintain." I say out loud, "It was nice to meet you Kimberly. Maybe you could stop by with your roommates for dinner one day, as a welcome to the building."
"That would be great. I guess I will see you later."
We got into Liam's car and went to the hospital. I walked up the receptionist nurse and told her we needed to do a paternity test. She handed me some paper work and told me to return it to her when I finished. I sat down next to Liam and filled out the paper work as best I could.
I walked back up to the desk and handed her the papers. "Also, I have scheduled appointments with Dr. Ervin. I just don't know where we need to go for that. Could you help me please?"
"Yes, sir. Hold on for a minute." She typed on her computer before looking back at me. "Dr. Ervin is going to be with Dr. Sinclair. She will preform their check-up while Dr. Sinclair runs the test."
"Okay. Thank you very much."
"No problem. If you have a seat back in the waiting room than a nurse will be right out to check yours and the babies vitals."
I nodded at her and went to sit back down. Not even 5 minutes later, a nurse called my last name. She took our vitals and then led us to a room and said the doctors would be in shortly.
"Liam I don't think I can do this." I paced in the small room.
"What do you mean?"
"The paternity test what if it says I am not their dad?" I turned to face him, but I didn't hear the door open. "I want to be their dad. I love them already. I don't want them to leave."
"Your name is on their birth certificates. They would still technically be yours right?"
"But what if I am not and some other guy out there is being deprived of being a father to them?"
Before Liam could say anything another voice answered. "Then why don't we do a paternity test and figure out from there?" I turned around and saw a pretty young doctor and an older doctor. "And I will make sure they are healthy in the meantime. Hello I am Dr. Ervin, the pediatrician and this is Dr. Sinclair. He will be doing the paternity test "

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