Chapter 10: Three Drunk Threats

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Aaron's P.O.V:

  Of course we had a problem.

"What is it?", I replied, immediatly going into my 'trained' mode.

"Mike..he got..he started-", Vic rushed out.

"Slow down. Tell me what happened", I told him, calmly.

"Mikes in some kind of fight", Tony told me.

"Where?", I asked.

"Follow us", Vic said.

Tony helped Jaime and I followed them out to the back exit.

There were a couple of trashcans and dumpsters, and some cars parked. I'm guessing the staffs cars.

"There they are. Shit! What do we do?", Vic asked.

Mike was currently trying to dodge blows from three guys almost twice the size of him in muscle.

"I got this", I muttered.

Just as I took a step forward, Vic pulled me back.

"What? No. You can't get in the middle of that!", he said.

I shrugged his arm off of me and walked towards the scene.

"Hey!", I called out.

I could feel Tony, Vic, and Jaimes gaze on me as I spoke.

The men stopped for a brief second and looked at me, then continued to beat up Mike.

Mike was obviously drunk. So he wasn't handling himself well.

"Stop", I ordered, now standing a foot away from the men.

"Back off, this ain't your business", the blonde man said to me.

"I said. Stop", I repeated myself.

"How about you mind your own god damn business before we make you?", the brunette one growled.

I punched him in the face and pulled Mike behind me as the man gripped his now bleeding nose.

"Go away", I said, lowly.

"You bitch!", the man sneered.

"You have five seconds to get the hell out of my sight", I threatened.

I could feel Mikes gaze burning holes into my back. I wouldn't blame him though, when I was in fight mode, I was a pretty different person.

"You just made me mad", the brunette snarled.

"I say we put this bitch in her place", the blonde one said.

The third guy, who had black hair smirked and walked closer towards me.

"Mike, go to Vic", I ordered.

I could feel him hesitate so I pushed him in the direction, not taking my eyes off the three men in front of me.

My new opponents.

I heard Mikes stumbling footsteps go towards Vic.

I could basically feel their worry from a mile away.

If only they knew...

"You know, you remind me of my ex girlfriend. But the difference between her and you is you aren't beaten to a pulp...yet", the black haired man smirked.

He lunged towards me and I dodged it, elbowing him in the face.

The blonde guy also made a move to throw a punch in my face but I ducked, causing him to hit the man behind me, who was still clutching his face from where I had elbowed him.

I kicked him in the stomach and pushed him to the ground.

Then I turned towards the man behind me as he threw a punch.

The blow hit me in the jaw.

I barley flinched and instead advanced towards him, kneeing his jewels and sending a pretty hard blow to his face.

As he fell to the ground, I noticed his eyes flutter closed as he fell unconscious.

Not to brag but that was one hell of a punch.

The blonde man stood up and basically growled before lunging at me.

I stepped away from him and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back.

He inhaled sharply before struggling.

I kicked him in the back and he fell to the floor on his knees. Then I sighed and pinched the nerve on his neck where I had been trained to and watched as he fell to the ground, also knocked out.

I turned back around, now studying the brunette man whom had been watching this whole time.

I ignored the guy's stunned gazes on me.

"So. Are you next or will you leave?", I asked.

The man laughed darkly before reaching in his jacket and pulling out a black handgun.

I heard the guy's gasps and almost rolled my eyes.

"What do you think you're gonna do with that?", I asked, sarcastically.

His eyes narrowed and he pointed it at me.

"What the fuck else would I do? I'm gonna shoot you, bitch", he growled.

"Oh. Are you now?", I asked, bored.

He gritted his teeth in anger and lunged for me.

I went to move out of the way but he quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest, pressing the gun against my forehead.

He walked us to where the guys were standing, looking mortified.

"While I'm doing this I might as well get something out of it. Give me your wallets", he ordered, pressing the gun against my temple harder.

"Don't listen to him", I told them.

The man pressed the gun even harder to my head.

The guys immediatly went for their pockets.

"Here", Vic said, his voice worried. He held out a black wallet.

"Put your wallets back", I ordered through gritted teeth.

"He has a gun up to your head!", Vic protested.

"Really?  I thought it was a magic wand", I rolled my eyes.

If I had a dollar for every time a gun has been held to me, I'd probably be rich.

Well I kinda am rich.

"You know what? I want you to beg for your pathetic life", the man growled.

"No way in hell I'll do that", I responded without missing a beat.

"If you don't, I'll shoot", he threatened.

"Go ahead. Stop running your mouth and actually do something", I replied.

I heard him switch the safety off.

"You know, you're right. I should blow your brains out", I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"No!", Vic yelled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes!", the man said in a mocking tone.

"Can you shut the hell up? You're breath is repulsing", I scrunched up my face.

"I'll see you in hell, bitch", he said.

And then he pulled the trigger.

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