Chapter 2

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Entrance Examination



She was panicking. She was frantic, anxious, worried, distressed, hysteric, crazy, scared, frightened, afraid - Ugh! Calm down Morgan, calm down... Think happy thoughts, she told herself. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. Puppies! Kittens! Rum, the cold side of the pillow! Money, jewellery, Gems, Elaine paying for a Gem, Yvaine being engraved by a Gem, Yvaine being of age, Yvaine going off to Nilrem, YVAINE LEAVING HER!

Puppies and kittens... Puppies and kittens... Puppies and kittens...

Morgan grunted demonically and sunk deeper into despair - or into her seat by the bar counter at the moment. Taking a sip from her supposedly 10th bottle of rum, she hammered the counter in frustration.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

She didn't care if her fist hurt and she certainly didn't care if her knuckles were turning white, black and blue. Nosy stares may bore holes into her back while careless, shameless whispers echoed within the confined room of alcohol and cigars, but none could compare to her determination to tear Merlin's head off! That freaking bastard dared to forbid her from seeing her daughter off!

Commotion? Media attraction? Flooding?! Who the fuck cared! Yvaine was HER daughter! She had every right to! Fucking Merlin! Everyone gets to be with her except her! Yvaine's own mother! Ludicrous! Blasphemy! Bollocks! Bullshit! Horseshit! Crap! And every other curses and vulgarities!

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Ugh... As a mother, she should be proud and thrilled - well she is, but gah! Her only daughter was going to study in the prestigious institute while being watched over by the rest of her family. Except Vivien... - still the majority of her family!

She was going to be a mage like everyone else was. Sure, great! She was going to have a future, one where she would earn loads and provide for her! Yvaine would have a life, a husband - who better not appear for another millennia, a family... another family... and then completely ignore her calls, mails, invitations, voice, HER EXISTENCE!

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Morgan would never get the chance to doll her up anymore, give her bubble baths, tease her about the most trivial things, get free massages, to teach her, to be close to her... She may never get the chance to hear her call her 'mother' again... Ugh...

Bang. Bang. Bang.

She wept and wailed, tears and snort gushing like waterfalls during the monsoon season. She cried - screaming her heart out, hoping her voice would reach her daughter at home preparing to leave for three whole years.




Achoo! Yvaine rubbed her itching nose, wondering if she was getting sick. Mordred who was beside her had swiftly materialised a whole box of napkins for her to blow her nose in.

"Where's aunt Morgan?" he asked, unable to spot the doting and clingy parent. "I expected her of all people to here."

"Lounging in a tavern crying," Yvaine answered flatly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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