Guy's Ardor Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Guy's heart was still burning with Marian's words...that a part of her always loved him. He knew in his heart that he did not just want her to love him in part, but as a whole. He did not want her pity, he wanted her body and soul. She had consumed his thoughts from the moment he had lost his home and family. He had fallen for the child she was at his parent's graveside, but he truly loved the woman she had become in the years that he had been away. She had never been far from his thoughts in all that he had to endure to be where he was today, right here, by her side. 

The world saw him as an evil henchman and one that would do anything to get what he wanted. It was this veneer that he had been forced  to wear around the Sheriff and Robin of Locksley for that matter. He was not proud of some of his actions, but he needed to do what he did, in order to survive, and  to retain the power that he knew was ever so fleeting in this world. Happiness was a fleeting thing too, but he wanted so desperately to grasp it with Marian.

"I want you to see the man behind the mask Marian. There is more to me than what you see."

Her arm was wrapped around his enjoying the feel of his strength and she squeezed his hand. "I know there is more to you Guy. You have shown me more of yourself in these last two days, then all the days leading up to our betrothal. I never truly thought I would love another man after Robin left me to go fight in the Crusades.  It hurt me badly that I was not his first choice and it continued to hurt when he came back, not being the boy I had fallen in love with. Always other things came before us."

"You know that I will always put you first Marian, don't you?"

"I wish I could believe that Guy, but you work for the Sheriff."

"That does not mean that I still would not put you first."

"It is an entangled web that you live in Sir Guy, I only wish I could untangle it for you. The man that I have seen these last two days is not a man that I could foresee enjoying working for a man like Vasey. You may think that you do not have a choice about it, but what if you did, Guy?"

In the midst of this rather serious conversation, an arrow flew by their heads landing squarely in the middle of them...only one man would have the gall to do this. 

"Show yourself Hood," Guy growled as he brought the horses to a stop. "What in god's name are you trying to do? Get us killed."

Robin road out of the forest. "I want a word with Marian, Guy." The rest of Hood's gang came out to surround the carriage laden with goods. Robin's next arrow was pointed squarely at Guy's head. 

Guy smirked, "Marian would you like to have a word with the Outlaw?"

Little John came over to Robin, seeing as they did nothing to appease him of his state of mind from the previous day, when he had seen Guy and Marian together. "How about we take the goods Robin and leave well enough alone...we could help a lot of villagers out with what he has in that carriage."

Marian rested her hand on Guy's shoulder. "Just give me a moment with him Guy. We don't need this to turn into a bloodbath."  Guy jumped down and lifted Marian by the waist, if only to rile Robin up even moreso than he already was. He shimmied her body down his long one and whispered in her ear, "Don't try my patience Marian." 

Marian walked over to Robin gingerly on her ankle. "What in god's name is your problem Robin? Put the bow down, now or I won't be speaking to you ever again." 

Robin jumped down from his horse and took her aside by the arm scowling, "What in god's name are you doing with Gisborne?" 

"I was in the midst of an outing with my betrothed."

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