10 years later
"stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!", exclaims my violin teacher, holding her hands over her ears.I let the Brown violin sink, sighing.
"That was horrible, Honor. " misses Baskin shakes her head, while taking the glasses from her nose. "Johann Sebastian Bach hasn't came up with this Violinsonat, so that you can screw it with your constantly rambling thoughts." "I'm sorry", I say sheepishly. "I'm very unfocused today. " she sighs, rubbing a gray streak behind her ear. "That may be, but soon you have your foreplay and you can not allow yourself to lose yourself there. So, again. A minor." I put the bow and play the first two notes.
"Okay, stop!". She looks at me severely. "Honor Marie. This is your seventh attempt today and it didn't even hang out with the first two notes. What's going on in your head?" I let myself fall exhausted on a chair and put the violin on the wing next to us. "I have great fear of the audition. I can't do the piece in two months... It is too difficult for me." "the piece is perhaps not the easiest. You need to focus. You're not a loser." "I am otherwise I could play it" "maybe we should take the violin set aside." misses Baskin stands up and turns on the wing. "Let's move on with the wing. Come on, hopp, chop-chop." I get up and tuck in my violin case. My mother puts much emphasis on good quality of my music equipment, so she's not buying any utensils under two thousand dollars. I sit at the piano and put along my sheet music to play the given piece.
"Okay, now concentrate", orders misses Baskin and sits down again the glasses on her nose, so that she can read the notes on the notes. "Sit down please just. A straight back is very important." Today is a day where it's heavier than usual for me to focus, that's sensed lately often and thus I can't sleep. Ever since I'm small, I panicked fear of thunderstorms.
I'm starting to play the notes and move my head to the melody, letting my fingers glide over the white and black keys. It amazes me that misses Baskin still didn't interrupted me, because I have the feeling that I've lost already for the third time.
At the moment are just too many things around me that stress me, which is why I am often exhausted. Soon I'm doing my degree at the private school in Cardiff, and thereby the checks come closer. I write good grades and never had many problems at school, but there is a lot that comes to me. And because I would like to study at the Music Academy in Birmingham, I need to master the violin and the piano perfectly, because I have the prelude in two months that'll decide about my future. Either I make it or I won't make it. That scares me and takes some nerve.
I finish the piece and see forward Baskin misses.
She slowly shakes her head and moves her wrinkled mouth. "A disaster." This is really a disaster.
I put on my black leather gloves, so I don't have to freeze that much and walk with my violin case and my school bag from the subway in the city. I'm very glad that I finally got home. It often happens that I'm not coming home before seven o'clock, because my education goes until 4:00 and I have four times a week violin and piano lessons after school. I'm glad that Christmas holidays are finally in a week and I can finally enjoy my free time. At least in the morning to sleep and stay up long. Spend my time with my friends and just have fun.
I enter the pharmacy to buy calming tablets for my father. He also doesn't like thunderstorms, that's why he needs something he can sleep at night. I smile at the saleswoman and go between the many shelves. Because I already know where are the tablets, I reach for it and take two packs, so I don't need to come tomorrow after school here.
As I'm about to go to the cashier I get a message. I try to get my phone out. Almost losing the medicine.
'Please bring milk out of the supermarket, honey.'
I was about to pay when I saw a boy standing in front of me. I couldn't recognize his face. he wears a hood and is hiding something from me, but still isn't escaping from me. He keeps a few packages in his hand. Who knows what he got. I shoulder my bag again.
He has simply pushed the packages into his jacket pockets. That's why he has been watching! He didn't wanted to get caught.
I shouldn't stare that obvious at him. But I am too appalled. He can not just steal in a pharmacy.
No second later, he looks back to me. He immediately notices me saw it, as he has plugged in the packs. I don't know how I should respond. Shall I tell him? Or just pretending that I didn't see anything?
Finally, he sits first on the move. He put his hands in the black jacket and watches me all the time on, while he runs to me. I have to admit, he looks scary. There also not help the curl, which come out of his hood. I stand on one spot and my heart is pounding faster and faster, with every step he comes closer to me.
He was a few steps away. And I am sure that he will threat me in some way, so I won't betray him. But he just runs me over like nothing happened. I turn around to him and watch how he walks comfortably towards the exit. The girl at the checkout eyed him suspicious though, yet says nothing, because he really doesn't look like someone who would not just steal. Big, black evil eyes. Just intimidating.
The doors open and he walks out. My eyes following every step he takes. He turns slightly in my direction and looks over his shoulder, right in my eyes. It feels like a silent warning now better not to betray him.
And finally it worked. I pay for my medication and run into the nearest supermarket to buy the milk.
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I'm back!!!! But the next update will come on Friday. I'm trying to translate a few more chapters till Friday. I'm really sorry.Don't be a silent reader.
Comment/Vote ;)And if you find grammar mistakes just comment them ;) I'll correct it.

Remember His Story (Harry Styles) //English [slow updates]
Fanfic"She wished sometimes she could read his mind. But then she wondered if she could live with the truth." In Honors Elementary School, there was a boy, which she would remember forever. He was different than the other guys. His skin was covered daily...