Chapter 3: Distrust

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Itachi Uchiha

I left with Kisame on a mission and the fact that I had to go look for him annoyed me. I'm an Uchiha, I didn't go looking for nobody, they should be the ones to kiss the very floor I walk on. He even had the nerve to tell me to wait a few minutes? Who did he think he was? I didn't wait for nothing or no one. That wasn't all that pissed me off, but also seeing Deidara on the floor coughing and spitting. I had no idea what had happened! Though of course, it probably had to do with Kisame.

To be honest, I've been noticing something weird about Deidara since a few months ago but it wasn't because he and I had a great relationship; we didn't event talk to each other. I knew he hated me; he didn't want to become a part of Akatsuki from the very beginning and knowing he was barely a kid with no combat experience, I challenged him. And of course I won! I'm an Uchiha, no, I'm the genius of the Uchiha! Deidara was absolutely nothing; a kid without a family who specialized in the art of explosion. There was still so much for him to learn, therefore it was my fault he was here.

Although I barely paid attention to the blond, I worried a little. Sometimes, I would look over him from a distance to assure myself that he was okay, but he wasn't. Ever since becoming a part of the organization, he lost a little more weight every time I saw him. He never ate with us and coincidentally, when he did eat, it was very little what he had on his plate. He didn't even have any type of relation with the other members; he never wanted to be near anyone in the group. He always spent his time alone, coming in and locking himself up in his room every now and then.

Either way, there was no reason for me to worry about him. He hated me and it was logical since I was the one who forced him to enter this place he never wanted to be in and now, he couldn't escape. We had him and I was the one who took his freedom, I was the one who cut his wings and caged him but what was worse was that in that moment, I didn't care doing it. It was now that I couldn't stand seeing those beautiful blue eyes convert into lifeless orbs, their lights turned off and sad. He wasn't that happy rebel child I used to know- he was completely different. He was a kid who no longer felt like holding on to life, like if he had lost everything. That's what I felt from him when I saw him and that's why I didn't like looking at him; it tore me from inside whenever I did.

Maybe that's why I, too, started distancing myself. I couldn't stand to see him. I wanted that other side of him, the one where he was always happy and fun, rebellious. The one who challenged me although he knew he had no possibility of winning against me. Now there was nothing to this kid and it was all my fault.

I walked behind Kisame, having no need to walk in front. My relationship with Kisame was strictly professional. We understood each other in combat and at first, we could talk normally, though, I couldn't trust him. Something inside me told me not to and most definetly when he started obsessing over me.

He turned to look at me and smiled; I kept my usual serious mood, hiding my mouth behind the cloak's collar and lowering my head, the hat as well as so he could not see my face.

"You're in a bad mood today?" Kisame asked me.

"I want to finish this quickly." I told him in all seriousness. I was serious! It was something I couldn't prevent being.

"Have something to do or what?" Once again, he asked, trying to start conversation with me. Apart from being serious, I kept to myself. It didn't surprise me that people hated or feared me.

"No." Was my only response.

Kisame continued looking at me with that smile of his and I couldn't stand it anymore. I picked up my pace and put myself in front. They could've sent anyone in this mission, I don't know why they sent me. I was good in battle, but to gather information... well of course I was as well, but because of the sharingan!

"Thought about what I told you?" I heard Kisame ask me.

"Yes." was my answer.


"Not interested, I already told you."

"Come on." He began while catching up to me and I turned around to face him. "How long's it been since you've fucked?" He bluntly asked. "Ever since you killed your Uchiha girlfriend?" He smiled.

"So what?" I asked. "I have no need to."

"I've heard you masturbate in occasion. Who do you think of when you do it?" That did get me by surprise.

What was worse is that Deidara came to mind. Something weird since I never thought about him! Maybe it was my fault for seeing him this morning all messed up in the shower coughing and spitting. Me and my stupid instinct to protect! What did I care about that kid? Even if he died, we all knew he was reckless with his attacks. He was the type to die young, we all knew that.

"Let's continue with the mission." I told him seriously, changing the topic.

"Maybe your little brother?" He continued. "I can make you forget about it. Do it with me, I want to know how an Uchiha fucks." He told me in a suggestive manner, getting closer to my lips as to kiss me.

I took out a kunai and before he could even brush his lips against mine, I had it held up to his throat, ready to slice if need be.

"Get near me again and I'll be having fish on the grill for dinner." I threatened and he smiled.

"You and your bad moods." He said, grabbing the hilt of his sword and instinctively, I activated my Sharingan, making Kisame stop mid-action. It wasn't wise to mess with me and he knew that better than anyone!

"Make any move and I won't hesitate to kill you." I threatened.

"Let's continue the mission." He said, going back to his serious tone as he let go of the sword's handle and began walking in front of me.

From the beginning, I didn't trust him, not one bit. Like I've said, he was undoubtedly obsessed with me and I didn't know why. It's not like we were perfect in bed! We were, I don't know, normal like any other person. Who knows why everbody in the organization wanted to try and get in bed with me, often times finding them laying in my bed with nothing on. I threw them out anyways! I think the only one who hasn't violated me in this topic was Deidara... and well, Konan.

We arrived at the village we were assigned to and it was Kisame who located the person they sent us to find. It was an easy task; use the sharingan and the information was all in my head! I didn't even need to question him, I could see right through him. Why would they send me for this bullshit? Honestly, each time the organization did something stupid.

Kisame didn't insinuate for the rest of the mission even though he looked at me and his eyes were lustful. I knew he wanted to get in bed with me! But I wanted no one from this organization. I was the great Uchiha, I didn't stoop to their level and besides, I had enough with having to think about Sasuke going around trying to kill me. They even said he'd gotten stronger! That, I had to see for myself one day. A weak Uchiha was something we could never allow; we weren't the most feared in Konoha for nothing.

Once back at the base, I left to the nearest pond to bathe. I needed it. What I didn't expect, was that when I was already nude and getting in the water, that Kisame would be sitting somewhere by the edge. I turned to face him so he could see better.

"Like what you see?" I asked him.

"A lot." Was his response.

"Then take a good look because this is the most you'll have of me." I stated and he smiled.

"We'll see, Itachi. You know as well as I do that we are both compatible. You'll enjoy yourself with me."

"Don't raise your ego. I'm too much for you." I arrogantly told him. Annoyed, he marched off.

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