Chapter 1: Loneliness

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Amestris, 1916.
Two years after the promised day.
Many things have changed, and so did the people around you.
You were the neighbour from your best friends, Winry and Edward, which lived together, also with Winry's grandmother.
Edward returned from his travelling around the world some days ago, and decided to stay for a while, for Winry.

You were happy for them, you liked to see your friends happy. But at the same time, you felt sad when you saw them together.

It hurt you that you were the only one still without a boyfriend, without anyone around you. Just living in your small house, with your two cats. One was black, the other one white. The white one was called Yuki and the black one's name was Pico.

Two were strong, two can help each other. But just one is helpless.

It teared you apart inside to see someone together, but yet you were happy, happy that they were happy, and that they were there. Alive.

You were still alive.

Thanks to him.

Alphonse Elric.


Thinking of his name made your heart skip. A strange feeling came up inside of you when you thought about him. About everything he did for you, everything he had to go through.

His life was hard, to be honest, actually harder than Edward's life.

All these years, being stuck in a armor without eating anything, without sleeping, without feeling anything, nothing.

A sigh escaped your (l/c) lips while you had your white cat, Yuki on your lap while stroking her back. You sat on the chair in your room which stood in front of the window, so that you could look straight outside at the beautiful landscape and the Rockbell's house.

You loved the nature, and you loved sitting there, just watching the world peacefully passing by. Even if it rained, you sat there. Every day.

Many thoughts rushed through your head when you sat there. Thoughts about the past. Thoughts about the future. How things could end for you. Maybe you'll stay lonely forever, and just die lonely in this small house with your cats beside you?


Your friends wouldn't let that happen.

Because also every day, your best friend, Winry Rockbell, came to visit you. Looking if you're still there, looking if you're not hurt or broke down.

After everything that happened you had mentally problems, and depression.

Winry just came to look that you didn't hurt yourself, or else. And this also gave you the feeling of being loved.

You always thought you have no one anymore. But when Winry came, she sat down next to you and you talked about the times when you were little. The good, old times.

This is what made you happy. Your only entertainment every day.

For sure, you were outside sometimes, but... not much.

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