Chapter 3: Reality

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You opened the door slowly, your eyes glued to the ground. Your glance was just downwards sadly, your head down, in your eyes, everyone could see the coldness and darkness that surrounded you. You slightly looked to your left to pick up the apple pie Winry brought you. Taking it, you took off your shoes and started heading towards the kitchen slowly.

But suddenly, you heard something. It sounded like... a giggle?

A very familiar giggle.

It came from your living room, where you were sitting every day to read. Now you walked a little faster, your automail making quiet mechanical noises.

"S-stop! Yes I missed you too!"


As you heard this you suddenly stopped, then continued walking. Heading around the corner, you suddenly froze with a slight gasp, dropping the apple pie.

You saw Alphonse sitting on your chair, a suitcase next to him. Yuki and Pico were sitting on his lap and licking his face playfully. He turned his head to look at you with a bright smile.

This smile...

Your heart started to beat faster, of joy and love.

"Aw... the pie! And I love Winry's apple pie so much..." Alphonse said, giggling slightly.

You still couldn't believe it. Was he really right in front of you, and just worried about the pie?! But then, he smiled softly and stood up slowly, looking down at you, straight into your (e/c) eyes.

"I missed you... (y/n)."

You couldn't help it but fall to your knees and cry. Cry of joy. You covered your mouth with one hand, tears streaming down your cheeks.

It was him. And he was no suit of armor anymore.

Even as you dropped to the ground his smile didn't fade off his face. He kneeled down to you and took your other hand, slowly helping you to stand up. You kept staring into his beautiful, gold eyes, which made your eyes sparkle, filled with love.

His smile softened even more, this made your heart warm up even more. Slowly uncovering your mouth, your lips formed into a weak smile, you were shivering.

"A-Alphonse... y-you... I..."

Nothing held you back anymore from hugging him. Tightly. You had to jump up a little, wrapping your arms lightly around his neck, embracing him gently. You could feel how he laid his head softly on top of your shoulder, while wrapping his arms around your waist.

No sound was heard, just the sound of your breathing. You tried to speak, but you just kept crying slightly, sobbing onto his shoulder. After a while the hug warmed all of your body, your tears slowly fading away.

You needed no kiss, you needed no kiss at all, just his arms gently holding you was already perfect.

You felt how he slowly pulled away, but kept his hands on your waist, looking deep into your (e/c) eyes. Raising his hand slowly, he wiped the last tear off your cheek, before keeping his warm hand on your cheek. You melt into his soft touch, it felt like the touch of an Angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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