Chapter 2: Memories

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A long and relaxing walk was right that what you needed. You and Winry talked about old times, when you were little. It made you laugh. You laughed about yourself. About your mistakes.

You laughed.

Something you didn't do very often, actually never. You just smile sometimes, but not more.
Winry made it happy to see you like this, and she knew, her plan had worked.

An half hour passed after you returned back. But before you went home, you best friend pulled you with to her boyfriend.

"Come on, say hello at least! You haven't seen him in so long!" Winry said, still pulling you.

"Okay okay, but after it I need to go..." you sighed, as you reached their house.

Edward, the nice man he is, was just repairing the roof. Sitting there in the hot sun, working... you had to admit to yourself that Winry was a lucky girl to have someone like Edward. He was strong, good looking and could be a real sweetheart.

But no.

He's Winry's, only hers...

And you knew another Elric brother stole your heart.

"Hey Ed! Look who's here!"

Edward turned his head to look down at you and smiled brightly. With some quick moving he jumped down the roof, running to you. You already took some steps back but couldn't escape his hug, tackling you.

"(y/n)! I missed you so much!" He laughed.

You chuckled slightly and hugged him back. "I missed you too, Edward. It's so nice to see you again... so happy..." you sighed. " was your tour?"

He noticed you were sad again. He knew, seeing someone happy together made you sad. He didn't like it when you were sad. So he always tried to brighten you up.

"I-It was really cool! I saw so many nice things..."

A minute of silence, while he glanced over you.

"You became so pretty, (y/n)..."

You felt heat rushing into your cheeks, and soon they were red. Winry punched his shoulder playfully, and he laughed.

"Ed, stop it. You know why." The blonde girl said.

"Hey, can't I be nice to my best friend, no?" Edward chuckled.

You tried so hard to keep the fake smile on your face. You knew, you should go now, or you'll fall down, crying, in front of them. And that's one thing you didn't wanted. You didn't want that they see, you're weak. Too weak.

"G-guys I should really go now... I need to feed Yuki and Pico..."

Edward and Winry kept a slight smile on their faces.

"It's okay, (y/n). Will you come for dinner today?" Winry asked.

"I don't know yet... well... you'll see if I come or not..."

"Please... take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid. You know we love you. And we all need you, (y/n)." Edward's words touched your heart.

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