Chapter Seven- Relax Girl! I'm not gonna hurt you!

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A few days later, I lay with the covers over Jessie and me, she had decided to stay round mine seeing as it would have been kind of pointless her going home. Especially as we both wanted to be with one another. I looked over to her snoozing and turned to see the clock which read nine thirty. Considering it was Jessie’s one weekend she had off work this year I felt mean to wake her. I carefully left her touch and went into the kitchen. I put the oven on before taking out the ingredients for her special breakfast as I was going to call it. I turned capital on and the wanted was on. I hate the wanted. Still I listened to the bloody song because I didn’t know how to change it over. I dealt with they’re jabber, what ever it was they were supposedly singing about and got on with the breakfast. Half an hour and it was all ready. I went up the stairs to see a still sleeping Jessica. I went over and planted wet kisses over her neck and all over her face. She began to stir and her smile ate the rest of her face.

“that was the best way to wake up”

“well come downstairs baby, I’ve made you breakfast” I grinned

“okay, I lied. That’s the best way to wake up”

As I giggled slightly she put an oversized jumper on and we walked downstairs hand in hand and she was even happier when she saw that breakfast was made. We sat down and began to eat.

“baby, I’m just gonna turn the radio off, this girl isn’t my cup of tea to be honest,”

she stifled a giggle and smirked “sure girl turn it off its fine”

“whats so funny?!” I said standing up to turn it off.

“that girl you don’t like… its me lovely”

shit. “no no no no no! Its not you I don’t like its just its to teenage pop. What is it anyway?”

“Its cool don’t worry. And its called its my party. You really don’t like my stuff do you”

“no I like Domino I dunno its just almost sarcastic? Although you sound pretty hot not gonna lie”

“how can you sound hot? Babe stop digging yourself a hole.” She joked.

“I dunno just you do. I’m just gonna stop talking” I said bluntly.

She laughed again and we continued eating our beakfast.

“I was thinking… would you maybe, wanna see my parents today?”

That was the last thing I wanted to do, I knew that her parents would probably hate me, I also knew that Jessica was extremely close to her parents. I knew that Jessie would leave me and I didn’t want her to, she meant to much to me.

“erm do we have to?” Jessica looked almost a little hurt by my comment, I didn’t want to to get hurt, that wasn’t my intention at all. Now I felt like shit. For fuck sake, ten points to Lola.

“If you want to we will go, what time do you want to leave?” I asked as confidently as I could. Her grin once again was pretty much eating her face. She kissed me quickly before standing up.

“as soon as possible lovely”

Forty minutes later and we were in the car driving down to her parent’s house. As we got closer I was more and more scared and I think Jessie began to sense this. She stopped at the traffic light and placed her hand onto my thigh.

 “baby, they will love you” Still I wasn’t so sure and continued to just look out of the window. She sighed before driving on. Another hour of the same sort of thing and we were in Essex, finally at her parents house. I dragged myself out of the car. I’m not going to lie I was fucking petrified. Still, I knew I had to do it for Jessica. We got to the front door Jessie knocked and she lased her fingers around mine giving me a convincing smile. A gave her a weak smile back and the door opened showing a middle aged woman smiling at Jessie. This was alien to me, never before had my mother or Dave smiled at me when I came home. If anything it was a glare.

“hello darling what are you doing here!” she said going in to give Jessica a hug. Jessica let go of my hand and almost immediately I felt vulnerable again. After they hugged the woman looked at me and smiled I smiled back.

“hello, nice to meet you Mrs Cornish” she giggled slightly and pulled me into a hug

“call me Rose dear” Jessie coughed slightly and Rose looked at her with a confused look.

“mum I want you to meet Lola, my girlfriend” I felt myself blush as she said this, I wasn’t expecting her to say it and I was surprised about how easily she was able to say it. I was also very confused about how well Rose took it. Again it was alienating for me. We entered into the house and Jessie laced her fingers around mine again and took me into the sitting room. Where a man was sat. He came up to me and gave me a hug. I immediately flinched as he did so.

“relax girl I’m not gonna hurt you!” He joked I looked at Jessie and she gave me a sympathetic smile “Nice to meet you I’m Steven .”  I continued talking to Steven for a while he asked me about things like my job and my family. I didn’t really go into much detail about my family I just kinda brushed it off giving him the smallest amount of information as possible, saying that I don’t really see them very often. About an hour later and two others appeared at the door.

I spent another couple of hours with the girls who turned out to be Hannah and Rachel Jessie’s sisters.

After that we said our goodbyes and we left. I felt happy that they seemed to like me but also relieved because I knew that I had given a good impression and nothing had gone too badly. It wasn’t until we entered the car that Jessie decided to tell me what was happening next.

“babe, we’re going out tonight with my friends Holly and Clair if that’s okay, I invited Ed aswell, I hope you don’t mind”

I smiled at her and looked forward to the evening ahead. 

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