Chapter 15- White Walls

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I woke up to white walls, my arms were pinned to the bed and wires were all around. I slowly adjusted to my surroundings and heard sobbing from the corner of the room. I turned to see Jessica. I was slightly a little pissed off at her but considering I was close to a near death experience yesterday? I think it was yesterday… I’m not to sure, days could have passed and I wouldn’t even have noticed. Even so I had to forget about what Jess had done, it was no longer important. Thinking about it, it was probably a little petty thing and I had just over reacted to it. After listening to her sob for a little longer, I couldn’t take it anymore. It was too painful to know that she was upset.

“J-Jess” I said It hurt when I talked, my throat was dry and for some reason I was struggling to get my words out properly. Her head shot up and she looked straight at me. Just then Clair came walking into the room and nearly had a heart attack seeing that I was awake.

“baby… why would you do that to yourself?” Jess said standing up walking over to me “do you not know how much it could hurt someone, I get you were angry but I don’t understand, I-“ She was soon interrupted by Clair

“Jess give her a break okay, she’s only just woken up she’s obviously shaken and tired. You don’t understand once you start all that stuff its incredibly hard to stop.”

“Yeah I know, but she didn’t care. She was quite happy to sit and try to kill herself over something stupid and unimportant…” Jess said raising her voice as she got to the end. I was no longer in the fit state of mind to have this conversation they were talking as if I wasn’t in the room now and I don’t get how Jess could be so judgmental, I didn’t even know she had that part of her in her personality. I snapped I was pissed off.. I didn’t want her sympathy at all, I didn’t deserve it but at the same time I didn’t need her being so unbelievably judgmental, that’s the one main thing I hate in a person.

“get out” I spat at her. I tried to sound as intimidating as I could but due to my throat it probably sounded nothing more than a whisper to her. Still, hopefully that whisper could still be filled with a lot of venom.

“w-what” she stuttered now looking at me again

“I said get out” I said calmly through gritted teeth she looked at me once more, a tear fell from her eye and she walked away. She walked past Ed coming in. He smiled at me

“glad you’re okay Littleton, gave us quite a scare there” he patted my head and held my hand which was still pinned down. I looked over at them again. The large bandage covering from my wrist all the way to the bottom of my elbow.

“why are my arms pinned down” I asked choking on my words, I hated this I had gone back to the place I thought I would never go again.

“its just like extra precautions and all that jazz” he replied squeezing my hand slowly as he spoke.

“oh… but why? They weren’t pinned down last time”  I turned round as soon as I had said it, I had forgotten for a split second that Clair was here. She gave me a sympathetic smile. Ew sympathy, I hate it.

“I’m not sure princess, you were trying to scratch them in your sleep though. But hey, you will be out of here soon, their just waiting for the stitches to heal a little before letting you go which should be in a few hours, also what’s happened with Jessie?” I looked down slightly as he mentioned her name; I still loved her I just couldn’t understand why she was like that to me.

“oh, erm. She was kinda being a bit of a bitch”

“Oh I se- wait what!” Ed said standing up “what exactly did she say to you?”

“Ed don’t worry about it, its not important”

“no… it is, tell me Lola” he said calmly yet sternly

“its fine”

“no its not for fuck sake tell me”

there was a pause, I looked back down at the bandage now unable to look him in the eye “just that I was being selfish and that it was unimportant that pretty much and finally that I don’t care about her or anyone else.”

“I’m going to fucking kill her” He stood up storming over to the door.

“no please, Ed don’t… stay… please. Its not important. If she wants her hissy fit, let her have her hissy fit.” He reluctantly sat down, he was angry though. This is so out of character for him, he was always kind and he never got into arguments with anyone he was always a peace maker, except for maybe Grace but she’s long gone so yeah hes a peace maker most the time. My thoughts were interrupted by Clair.

“Lola babe… I mean this in a nice way I really do but I doubt Jess meant to hurt you, when she’s tired she can just flip, her emotions go all funny and she says stuff that she doesn’t mean. She didn’t mean that, her words say she did but her eyes tell another story, they were filled with worry. Her and Ed stayed here all night to make sure you were okay and to make sure at least one of them were here when you woke up. She really cares about you, she isn’t perfect and trust me she will ramble on about how she isn’t but I promise you she didn’t mean that. The worry and exhaustion got the better of her.”

“Okay fine, I will talk to her, get her to come back at some point, but if she pisses me off I’m not holding back” I spoke bluntly.

So hey hey hey, thank you for reading so far, not joking the votes and comments are motivating me to update more often which I'm trying to do, I haven't really got all the time in the world, I should have been working whilst I was writing this but who needs English Essays when I could just write this lol. But yeah pleaseeeeeeeee leave a comment and a vote if you liked it. Much love :* xx

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