Chapter Eight- To keep her safe.

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“so Lola do I get bacon, eggs, chips, beans and mushrooms or bacon, eggs, sausage, beans and mushrooms?” Jessie said. She had been staring at the menu for the last fifteen minutes and to be honest we were all getting a little impatient with her now.

“whatever you want baby, just hurry up” she scanned at the menu a last time

“okay I want it with chips…. No sausage…. No chips… no-“

“just get both for fuck sake” Holly snapped. It was clear that Holly was considerably more hung over than me, not really surprising to be honest.

“Holly you’re a genius” she sang completely ignoring the way Holly had spoken to her. We waited until somebody came over and we ordered our food. The waitress looking a little freaked out by Jessie’s presence. She smiled the waitress a warm smile which might have put her at ease a bit and she walked away.

“Clair, Ed.. so it seems you two have fallen for each other a little” I perked up as the table had gone dead again. Clair blushed and hid herself into Ed’s neck whilst he laughed and hugged her. I felt bad for Clair though Ed has serious commitment issues. He finds it hard to stay with someone for even two weeks. Fuck knows how this is going to work, especially as Clair is going to New Zealand in a few weeks to make things worse. Fuck it though we’re just going to see how it goes I guess. We chatted for a couple more minutes until the café door opened. I turned around and nearly shat it, my face pale. I began to feel sick. I lowered my head to try and avoid contact with… Dave… my so called step father.

I knew that I needed to get away and quickly. I looked at Ed and moved my head slightly in Dave’s direction. He shat it almost as much as I did. Slowly I started gathering my stuff and as fast as I could.

“Lola… where are you going?” Jessie asked as I stood up

“oh for fuck sake Jessica shut up” I hissed at her. She looked taken aback and hurt by my comment. I was just walking out with Ed on my tail before

“Lola…. My baby girl”

I stopped dead and turned round to see Dave. He had the same, fake, evil smile that he always had before I left home. Before I knew it tears were falling from my face. My eyes not leaving his direction once.

“don’t just stand there… come and give your amazing step dad a hug”

Still I didn’t move, it was like I was glued to the floor. All the memories of my childhood all battered into my brain in a moment of seconds. I turned quickly to see Jessica, she looked almost the same as I did whilst Holly and Clair just looked confused. I turned back to see Dave, he was walking up to me. I slowly stepped backwards desperately trying to get out of his reach until.

“I swear to god… One step closer and I’m going to batter the shit out of you” Dave turned to see Ed. I had never seen Ed look so angry in my life. If he could have smoke coming out of his ears he would.

“you know you don’t scare me” I looked at Ed again and he gave me a sympathetic look. I hate Dave, I thought he was gone and suddenly he’s back. In the space of five minutes everything’s changed. Like ten minutes ago I was happy chatting with my girlfriend even if shes a little shit and takes forever to choose something on a menu. I was brought out of my daydream to Ed walking up to him. I know what Dave’s like although Ed’s strong he’s nothing compared to Dave, Dave would rip him apart. I ran over to Ed and restrained him before he made the first move on Dave. He looked at me and I dragged him back over to the table.

“you know Lola… Ive missed you, you should be at home with all of us…”

“well Dave I’m not coming home, Ive started a life for myself, I’m finally happ-“

The next thing I know I’m jumping away from being punched in the face. I wasn’t quite fast enough, it was a full blown fist right under my eye. I turn round and Ed’s started on Dave. For fuck sake. They’re pretty much having a fucking brawl in the middle of a café. The staff looked too scared to do anything and the rest of us can’t exactly leave Ed, They continue for a couple more minutes trying to get the better hand on one another, Ed’s once clean face consisted of bruises and cuts.

“alright mate… stop right there” We all turn around to see a massive bald guy coming into the café. Jess looked pretty happy to see him and went up to him. She seemed to know him? Dave looked pretty shocked to see a full grown man, almost intimidated. He moved away from Ed who was now laying on the floor. This other guy, the bald one I mean just restrained Dave and took him straight out of the café. I helped Ed up and sat him down back at the table. I looked at his face and tears were forming again. I checked him out to make sure there wasn’t any serious damage. Luckily there wasn’t. I then turned to Jess who seemed pretty quiet if I’m honest.

“who was that guy that took Dave out?” I asked pretty oblivious to who he was

“that was Mark, my security, baby are you okay?” She asked walking over to me.

“yeah I’m fine, just worrying about Ed”

“Lola I’m fine” he assured me smiling. I smiled weakly back and it was then that we decided to leave the café. Mark following us from a short distance. What happened today made me think.. was Jessica safe whilst hanging around me? I didn’t think so… I knew although I really didn’t want to I was going to have to keep away from Jessie. To keep her safe. Even if it would crush my heart into pieces. 

Sorry I have not read this through, I'm in a lesson. Sorry if its shit x

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