ch7 || carl.

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a lot has happened since carl last saw bonnie.

for starters, debbie had her baby. it was a girl, which carl knew, since he went to her party. even though he left shortly after, because that was when nick..

carl hated thinking about nick and what happened. it made him feel sick all over again. he missed nick, too.

but anyways. debbie had her baby, and she named her frances. carl was surprised that she named her after frank, but really, frank was the only one who supported debbie, which made carl feel bad, even though he thought that, like fiona, debbie was too young to be a mom, but he kept that to himself.

besides, after just a few weeks, carl thought that debbie was a good mom to franny.

another thought he kept to himself:
he hated that they called her franny. it just sounded weird. but hey, that was carl's opinion. it was debbie who named her.

also, fiona was getting married today.

he was excited for his sister, sure. he was also really excited that dominique would come. he's been spending a lot of time with her recently, and he liked that a lot.

even though her dad scared the shit out of him.

and even though he would occasionally think about bonnie.

but nonetheless, he would be picking dominique up soon, and just as he finished ironing his shirt and avoided hearing fiona and debbie's argument, he rushed out to dominque's.

after picking her up, they made their way to the church where fiona was getting married. carl thought that dominique looked really nice in the dress she picked out, and that she looked nice just in general, really.

"you look good," carl complimented as they went inside.

"thanks," she smiled. "so do you."

a few minutes before the wedding started, carl noticed that debbie was there, along with franny, which surprised carl, mostly over her small fight with fiona this morning.

when dominique saw franny, though, she was instantly all over debbie and talking about how cute her baby was.

"she's so cute!" dominique said.

"thanks," debbie holding franny close to her.

"you know, if you ever need a babysitter, i can do it."

"thanks for the offer," debbie said. "but i can manage."

after that, dominique and debbie had their own conversation without carl, so he just stood awkwardly next to them with his hands in his pockets, waiting for the wedding to start and be over so they can go home or out to eat or something like that.

he soon noticed ian walk in, with another boy that carl was pretty sure his new boyfriend, caleb.

carl didn't really know caleb, so he couldn't judge too much about him right away. but he seemed kind of nice, but it wasn't the same as having mickey around. carl also missed mickey, and his loud personality and the way he treated ian. carl didn't know if he could say the same thing for caleb just yet.

and then the wedding started, and fiona came in in her wedding dress, and she looked really happy. carl never admitted this, but he really liked when his sister was happy, because she goes through a lot. and sean looked pretty happy as well, and carl thought that sean was pretty okay too.

he didn't pay close attention, only until frank showed up, after fiona said he couldn't come, and that's when carl knew that everything was fucked.

and it was.

he ruined the day, like he usually does.

basically, frank told everyone how they fucked up in some way (except with ian, unless frank counts a sexuality and mental illness as a fuckup). apparently lip has a drinking problem. and apparently sean was doing drugs again, which resulted in him and fiona not getting married. probably broken up.

frank also said some things about carl and dominique, but it made him angry when he was talking about dominique. it made him feel uncomfortable when his father was making comments about his girlfriend.

either way, the wedding and day was ruined. but it could be a good thing, for fiona to know that he was doing heroin. but it made her really upset, and carl felt really badly for his sister.

there's also something up with kev, v, and svetlana. carl had no idea what it was, and he didn't plan on getting all the details.

afterwords, fiona was a mess and everyone went their separate ways around the church. ian went with caleb, and lip went his own way, probably embarrassed that everyone found it about his drinking problem that carl never knew about, but he hoped his brother would get out of that shit.

"i'm going to talk to lip," debbie said, looking down at franny. "could- could you guys watch her for me?"

"yeah, of course!" dominique exclaimed, already stretching her hands out to hold her. and again, carl awkwardly stood next to them with his hands in his pockets.

"thanks guys," debbie said. "carl, make sure she doesn't hurt her." debbie whispered the last part to spare dominique's feelings.

carl and dominique sat in a different part of the church, holding franny. it was weird to think that it was debbie's baby, that he was her uncle now.

"she's so cute," dominique said.

"yeah," carl said. he didn't really like babies, but he agreed with dominqiue because it was his sister's kid.

"when i'm older i want to have kids," she said.

her comment stunned carl, making him feel awkward again. he didn't know how to react to it, it made him feel weird because they have sex, and sometimes, sex equals ending up having kids.


"yeah. i want to have two boys and one girl," she said. "i picked out names too."

"oh," carl repeated. "uh. that's cool."

"sorry," she said, catching on. "it's just something i think about."

"that's okay," he still felt awkward and maybe a little embarrassed, but he still shook it off for dominique's sake.

and then after a few more minutes of talking to dominique and watching over franny, it was eventually time to leave and go home and hate frank for what he did, but instead greeted by kev, vee and svetlana, along with the rest of their group, minus fiona.

"are we leaving now?" carl asked. "because i have to bring dom home before we do."

"yeah, my dad wants me home soon," she said, debbie hastily taking franny away.

"don't worry, we'll get her home," vee said. "but we have to do something else after."

and that after involved throwing frank into the lake.


hope you all liked this chapter! I had kind of a writer's block but now i have a ton of new ideas for this
and thank you all for over 100 reads! it means a lot to me that so many people have read this already.
and lastly, i hate to self-promote but i also published a status book that gives some extra information about this fanfic along with other story ideas and extra information, so if you're interested you can read that
don't forget to favorite/give some feedback!!
- aine xxx

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