Annabeth's POV

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  Soon everyone was gathered in Percy's cabin. We made a circle on the floor. "So, Percy you got us in here therefor you get to start it off."
  "Okay, hmm lets see" Percy tapped his chin, " Jason, Truth or Dare?" He smiled wickedly.
  "Hmm Dare, how bad could it be?" He smiled.
  "You're gonna regret that Grace" Percy grinned, "I dare you to put on your Superman undies, that we all know you have, and fly around the camp like a blonde superman." That got some snickers. Jason's face turned bright red. We followed him to his cabin and waited outside while he changed. Once he came out he wore nothing but his superman underwear and a superman cape.
  He turned to Percy, " I thought the cape would be a nice touch." Piper tried to hold back a laugh, but we all ended up laughing as he took off in the sky. Jason got many strange looks and some whistles from the Aphrodite cabin.
  After what seemed like ten minutes he landed in front of his cabin and quickly went in and changed. Moments later we were back in Percy's cabin.
  After we took our seats Jason looked at every camper stopping at Nico. "Truth or Dare, Nico?"
  "Dare" Nico said with out hesitation.
  Jason grinned, "I dare you to go to the Aphrodite cabin and ask for a makeover."
  Right away I could tell Nico regretted his decision. He got up slowly and walked out and knocked on Cabin 10's door. The rest of us hid in the bushes next to the cabin. Drew answered the door and looked down at him with a look of disgust, "What do you want?" She asked.
  Nico mumbled something under his breath and Drew smiled eagerly dragging him inside and slamming the door. What felt like forever Nico finally came out in a strapless hot pink dress with matching shoes, makeup and a bow in his black hair.
  Leo snapped a picture of him with his camera. Then we came out of the bushes all laughing. The Stolls were laughing so hard they were rolling on the ground.
  We waited until Nico got cleaned up to get back to the game.

Heroes of Olympus: Truth or DareWhere stories live. Discover now