Tapping at midnight

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     Tap. Tap. Tap. Goddammit!
" what?" I whisper  harshly

"Hi!" Said the voice through the vent.

"Hi kid through the vent." I say

" by the way, my name is-" I began to say.

"N-no, you can't tell me your name, it's against the rules." The kid said nervously. Hmmmm I probably should of read those, whatever I mentally shrug.

"I'm guessing you didn't read those rules, huh?" The kid through the vent said.

"Thanks for comming to the rescue, Captain Obvious. You serveses are well need it." I said, it made me sound like an asshole, but the kid mise while know who I really am.

"Sarcastic, I like it." He chuckled.

"We could be Captain Obvious, and Little Miss Sarcasm, the girl wonder." I say like the geek I am.

"So your a girl?" The cocky smirk relevant in his voice.

" and what are you a sheep?" I say sarcastically, thinking the kid behinde the vent  was probably a  a boy/man like thing.

"You did not just quote Mulan on me." The kid said back.

"Maybe I did," I challenged.

" I am a boy, FYI." He said

"You saying 'FYI' makes you sound gay," I say.

"Do you not like gays?" He says back.

"Wait, are you gay? You can be my new bff!" I squeal.

"Unfortunately no, but we will have to continue this later, maybe at breakfast, because the suicid watch person will be in your room soon to make sure, you're still here in hell."

"How do you know what time it is?" I asked

"Privileges." He said simply.

"Gtg," I say lamely.

"Who's the gay one now?" He chuckles back.

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